Story #1. When it comes to head injuries, it isnt uncommon to act irrationally. So, he may not have even thought about the radio or been able to remember how it works.
Kyle, if you fall into cold water and drown, your body will not surface. Normally a body in water will undergo decomposition and gases will build up inside the body that cause it to float up to the surface. But if the water is very cold, these gases don't form. You just sink to the bottom of the water and are eaten by fish. I know this, because I used to live near Lake Tahoe, another very cold lake, and nobody who dies in that lake ever floats to the surface.
My nephew is the only park ranger who lives in his state park. In a huge house left to the state. Up a two mile dirt road. He is a brave young man keeping visitors safe. ❤
I'm a former park ranger. My agency and many others were understaffed, underfunded, poorly trained and suffered from incompetence throughout the chain of command. These factors aggravated an already dangerous job. I don't think anything has improved
As someone who has had a concussion from falling, you're not always working in the best mindset. I called for help long before I realised no one would hear me and when I eventually crawled out, I knew I wasn't in good shape but the idea of medics breaking down my door and finding me naked stopped me from calling an ambulance. I instead managed to call my best friend. The confusion is immense, you might continually lose consciousness and not to mention the significant pain to your whole body.
I noticed that sometimes you offer your heartfelt feelings, not only to the survivors, but also to the person that died. And I think it speaks to the notion that somehow we’ll see them and be together again, which is a sentiment of many, and not just the religious. I appreciate that as a viewer and I think it’s beautiful.
Jeff was a friend. New ordinance was put in place since his death and we’re all much safer in the park now with more backcountry protocol. He is still honored to this day. May he rest in peace ♥️
Im a senior citizen, 67. A year ago i tripped backward and landed on my right wrist. It broke. I was in my own backyard. If my husband hadnt been right there on the patio i dont think i could have gotten myself up. And i wouldnt have been able to crawl on one hand. Anyway i think about how horrible it would be to be alone in a remote area and not able to get to help. I was scared just in my own yard. RIP to all the hikers and Rangers who have suffered and died. God bless the rescuers. Your awesome humans👍🥰🙏❤️
Park Ranger here. We end up going off our normal route due to a number of reasons. Sometimes we see or hear someone or something in distress, see an animal we love, sometimes to stop and listen to our surroundings, and shortcuts are common. I think it’s very possible that Christian’s radio may have been damaged in the fall.
RIP to the Rangers in this video. Thank you for your care and service.
Margarets story is truly heartbreaking! Its one thing for a ranger to go by accident but to be executed is a tragedy! May all 3 Rangers Rest In Peace!!
Kyle, thank you for this video. I am a state park law enforcement ranger in a southwest border state.while we don't face violent criminals as often as city police or Sheriff's deputies, the potential is always there, and back up is always a long way off. Thank you for acknowledging this. As for the Yellowstone ranger, it is not surprising he hasn't been found. When you fall into cold water, you often gasp involuntary, and can aspirate water into the lungs, causing you to sink. I work at a leke park, have seen this happen more than once. That ranger is still down there, on eternal patrol. God rest, sir.
I grew up with a love for the outdoors as a daughter of a park ranger in Connecticut. My father retired years ago, and his experiences & stories I never grow tired hearing about. Thank you for respectfully talking about the dangers many don't think about. I subscribed quite a while ago and figured it's time to throw you some extra love. You quickly became one of my favorite channels. Keep up the great content 😊
Story 1: I was actually at RM National Park when Jeff went missing and I remember seeing the helicopters and search and Rescue vehicles all over the search area. He was found a few days before I left and I remember seeing some of the rangers tearing up when I went to that area's visitor center. Such a sad day and seeing this story make the sad memories return. May he and the rest of these brave Park Rangers Rest in Peace.
My friends brother is a Park Ranger. In rhe mid 90s he was out on patrol at Lake Grapevine in Texas. He saw a group on the beach that looked a little rowdy. He pulled closer to check it out when he was greeted with a hail of bullets. His boat was riddled but he didnt get hit. Lesson learned is all he had to say about it
Nearly 70 years ago my father was forestry. Officer in Northern Michigan. My mother saved up to buy him a gun which the Department did not provide. It's never been all that safe.
As a man who has incurred multiple concussions, I can unequivocally say that head injuries can change your personality, Cause you to act irrational or weird and completely obscure ones thought process, memories, personality. It changes you. The brain is the center of EVERYTHING that we are. Scientifically speaking, it’s our “soul”. Damaging that can make you, seemingly, a different person, With thought processes and acts That you would normally not have.
You’d think the rangers would wear gps locators with transmitters placed every so many miles on a grid. I realize start up costs would be excessive, but worth it to save a life. Once installed, they could offer tags for purchase or “rent” to people (kids) using the parks to help find them bc they can focus on the grid they are on, and don’t have to worry if cell service is down with local transmitters.
The story of Ranger McClure brought back some very sad memories for me. I had a friend who was on a lake somewhere here in Wyoming, been many years so I can’t remember details, but he was(and for some reason Jenny Lake comes to mind) taking friends across the lake, I believe to hunt and after dropping them off and on his way back across the lake the winds picked up. It is believed that a strong gust of wind pushed the boat, knocking him down on the throttle knocking him out of the boat. It took many years before his body surfaced and his family and friends finally got some closure. Such a sad situation.