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My computer teacher would let us play halo after we finished our work in high school, the entire computer lab became a lan party


I played Halo all my life, every game, and the fact it only came out a year before I was born makes me feel so lucky I got into it so early, at age 8 I became obsessed because of my uncle and my dad introducing me to video games. Halo is a huge part of my life and I'll always be happy about it.


Halo was that first fps game i played that i truly fell in love with. The storyline, the action, the music, the cinematography.. it was so immersive at the time, especially as a kid


16:03 that wasn't the orginal xbox controller! That was the newer mini version! the original xbox controllers were absolute units.


Imagine hopping to another universe where halo released on Mac in the first place. That would be kind of crazy.


I actually very disagree with Halo being more exciting on console for two big reasons, mods and online multiplayer. Yea, the netcode was awful but so many PC gamers lost thousands upon thousands of hours playing CE online. Mean while, Combat Evolved had a HUGE modding scene that's still active to this very day.


We got our house destroyed in 2004 by Hurricane Ivan. We had lost everything, and we were left to live in a FEMA trailer. For Christmas that year my dad took us to Sam's and bought us the Halo Edition Green Original Xbox and we played the socks off that Xbox.


My god this game defined my childhood. I wasn't allowed to play other games in my dad's laptop at that time due to violence since i was a kid back then, like counter strike. I still play this until now.


“Original Xbox controller”

Sir, you’re forgetting the majesty of The Duke, as that’s how we played Halo at launch.


I remember me being 13 and a huge mac acolyte, happy in the knowledge that the Mac finally had a killer game coming out for it first. It hadn't been that way since Marathon! And then the rug got pulled out from under me.


If Bungie had remained with Apple, Halo would be a hidden and forgotten gem. H


halo is one of my core memory and i will cherish it forever, the first time i saw it was when my father came back from working overseas he said he played it with his friends back then on xbox, at home we didn't have a xbox, but then he saw it available on PC, he got excited himself then he installed it on our PC, at first i just loved watching him play but too scared to try because i was afraid to die and lose, but he encouraged me to try and i loved it, boy it was such a fun times.


This video about how Apple almost had Halo was very intriguing.👍I do want to say although someone already pointed it out, at 16:10 even though yes the campaign is linear, you could DEFINITELY get lost your first (or first few) time(s) playing. A lot of levels had me pulling my hair out like The Pillar of Autumn, 343 Guilty Spark, and one of the missions on the actual Halo planet.

Edit: To answer the question at the end of the video: Not only did I play the original Halo, I felt it changed my life. It got me into FPS's and deeper into video games than I already was. I spent hours playing it at my friend's house and we beat the game co-op on Legendary mode...which shocked us both. Truly thankful for this game.


I randomly found this channel a while back and every new video since has been fascinating.  Something about this kind of history in a well researched video essay style just interests me.


gonna gave to disagree on that point T 16:10
levels that are meant to be simple are linear, take for example the pillar of autumn. it’s a first level and intended to make you feel cramped, so that halo, the next level feels like a complete mind blow
you can rescue the marines in any order, explore and really get a feel for the atmosphere, it’s not as linear as described
many of the flood levels are easy to get lost on because they take place in large complexes where many of the rooms look similar
the snowy levels are have loads of cool skips and backtracks you have to do
i wouldn’t describe them as linear at all, in fact many people refer to halo’s gameplay as sandbox like


Steve jobs changing his mind is like a cartoon episode about taking people for granted.


I was practically raised by Halo since its release. I was 4 when I experienced 343 Guilty Spark and the Library. I've been there for Halo's highest highs and lowest lows. I've been playing Halo for 20 years and I'm gonna play for another 20.


Side Note: Perfect Dark on GBC was awesome.


Had it launched on Mac it probably would have gone down as an underrated forgotten apple exclusive