"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals." ~ Edward Snowden
Dear Duran, thanks for inviting Mr. Nekrasov! I watched The Magnitsky Act in 2016 at an afternoon showing in our little arthouse cinema in northern Germany. Was so intrigued by how the filmmaker had composed the story and reveals of his documentary with subtle cinematic means that I still remember it's intensity up to this day. This interview brought me right back into it, so I feel very rewarded by getting to know the director's mindset making the film.
It's time for Russia to introduce the Gonzalo Lira Act.
To sum up: A western film maker and critic of the Russian government was censored by his sponsors because he didn't go with the western narrative. Now he is only allowed on media that is accused of being pro Russian. How ironic.
I read Bill Browder's book. He was basically a carpet bagger hoping to go to Russia and score cheap shares in former state enterprises. Putin, in the chaos of the early post Yeltsen years was trying to get things under control and thwarted Browder's plans. Ever since, browder has presented himself as some sort of expert on Russia and Putin, and has probably made more money in that new role.
I am amazed by your courage Glenn. Indeed telling truth in times we living now is heroic ❤
I came across Mr Nekrasov's documentary some years ago, and am always trying to get Russophobes to watch it, without success. People are very reluctant to have their assumptions challenged
There is always one simple question about democracy, trade, free speech etc: On whose terms?
Eye opening film. Challenges narrative with facts. What's frightening is the ability to suppress it at almost every venue. Thanks
That's the beauty of free speach. Once you have an hour to speak on your belives, you (and everyone listening) quickly realise what of it has any substance. I mean, from the verry beginning he's using a lot of carefully chosen words, to avoid saying "most of my believes at the time were rubish"
I have followed this story for years, and found the film twice on internet after many tries, as it was strenuously taken away year after year, but was worth finding and watching . The whole business of the USA and other "Western democracies" introducing laws allegedly based on this terrible injustice. (a bit like the Uyghurs in Xinjiang!) was accepted as normal. Bill Browder is still being interviewed and fawned upon by Western media and praised by people watching youtube. The film is marvellous in showing the changes in Nekrasov's views as he uncovers facts and speaks to involved witnesses.
The truth does not fear debate, lies not only fear debate but silence any debate.
I just have seen this guy William Browder doing his stories on MSMBC and CNN. So I immediately consider the guy untrustable.
Narrative control is starting to lose the control of the narrative.
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell
The video discusses the Magnitsky Act, narrative control, and censorship in Western media. Filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov shares his experience making a documentary that challenged the official narrative, leading to its suppression. The discussion explores the dangers of limiting free speech and debate in democratic societies.
В чём силён Запад это создания негатива о других странах, расчеловечивания людей, этим вы знамениты. Андрей Некрасов живя там, почему то в оппозиции в России, может вам заниматься делами, где вы живёте, это так странно, что вы интересуетесь страной из которой вы уехали,все уехавшие мы не просим вас заниматься нашей страной, не уважаю людей, которые сбежали из страны, когда ей было тяжело!!! Все приписываемые преступления России, чушь, шито белыми нитками!!!
I remeber watching Lee Stranahan on Sputnik explaining all this and how subversive it all felt.. it takes time for people to appreciate how the truth is obfuscated… great guest!