
"uncontious latened firend no-jutsu?", "power akined to a god for... reasons", "he decides to grow some stones", "slicing them in half... VERTICALLY", "it succeeds... in pissing Alice off and she rage raises the mages to the earth", just a couple of quotes


Man the trama that Kirito suffer in this is hard. Forcing himself watching his memories of deaths he witnessed. Making him go on the edge of suicide.


"Yeah, i'll stand."
"For your sake, as many times as it takes."


child: wont clean room
integrity knight: dont make me cut you in half verticly


Nice work, bro keep it up


If you’ve never watched the first few seasons of SOA and just watch this season then you’re going to be hella lost😂


The naked super Saiyan got me😂😂


17:26 I'd be pissed if I connected to a lobby and was killed instantly


Damn I remember maybe it was 3 years ago when these episodes were still coming out the good times


Man had it not been for Kiritos trauma, shit could've ended in like 2 episodes


Nice work man




My guy went from cold to disabeld


i have seen this anime like 1000 times


How is this boy STILL TRAPPED IN AR?




bro really survived 218 years


Is it still on Netflix


Kiritoo lost his friend he so sad 😢😢