I live here as a foreigner/resident. Passport is legitly good. But you need to come and feel the aura minimum of 3 months before deciding if this place is for you. This place is not for everybody but i can assure you salvadorenos are GREAT CITIZENS. That's why im here and left US.
El Salvador is going places. Bukele is smart, young and is leading the country from Win to Win whether it be against criminal scumbags or against the WEF. It's a place with a nice warm culture and a great climate (I like hot weather). El Salvador is starting to look like a place where I want to own real estate and live.
I went to ES for the first time in January. Felt way safer there than in my home city, DC. A lot of foreigners were present. Lots of infrastructure development. A lot of excitement.
I would move to El Salvador just because of his mindset. That trickles down to the people and society as a whole
I live in Mexico, but maintain connections (business and social) in El Salvador. What Bukele is doing is and will continue to be successful. Just by tackling the runaway crime and jailing all the bad ones, has been just what was needed first. For those who want to relocate there, expect to have a critical examination of your qualifications...do your research first and be thorough and truthful.
Hey Andrew. Great video. I am one of those 50 something Americans who moved to El Salvador. I'm far from a philosopher or an artist, lol. I'm retired law enforcement. I'm only here four months. I have started the process of getting citizenship the normal way, which starts with residency. Not hard, just a little time consuming, but well worth it. My wife is from here originally. She spent 35 years in the US and we both decided to retire here, or let's say semi-retire. We purchased some rental properties and live pretty well here. There are pros and cons to living here. It's definately not for everyone. Here are a few things that are important to me. PROS: Weather I come from the north east where winters are terrible. I wear shorts and a tee shirt everyday here. It is a bit humid but for me managable. I tend to like the heat. Cost of Living The cost of living is about half that of NY where I'm from. Back home a sandwich, coffee and fries in a diner runs me $27. Here in El Salvador, I am paying between $10-$15 for the same meal. Gas is slightly higher at $4.10 per gallon but most things are much more affordable here. Safety Since President Bukele dismantled the gangs and restored order, this country has become extremely safe. Much safer than many parts of the US. They have imprisoned upwards of 75,000 gang members. Homicides and violent crimes have nearly come to a halt. CONS: Traffic I am not referring to high volume. My complaint is aggressive driving. Motorists are extremely rude on roads and highways. No one yields to merging traffic. There are barely no traffic lights so every street, or avenue becomes a highway. Pedestrians are at extreme risk here. It is a hard adjustment. Poverty It is heart breaking and depressing to see how many Salvadorans are forced to live. There are signs of extreme poverty in most of the country with the exception of a few pockets of wealthy neighborhoods. There is not much of a middle class. Most of the country is poor. Prices for Salvadorans are high. I can't help but feel guilty being able to purchase anything I desire when most are struggling to survive. Food The food here is okay but I was pretty spoiled back home in NY. Chinese food here is barely edible. No mediterranean food to be found. A simple thing like a grilled chicken ceasar wrap does not exist here, lol. I am adjusting to the food but it is a little rough. Overall four months in, i'd have to say it was a good decision. El Salvador is the place for me and my wife. Oh, last item, a working knowledge of Spanish is a necessity. Very few people here know enough English to be able to help in most situations. I happen to be fluent. It can be a game changer. Learn some Spanish before coming here. No matter your age or background, it's a great place to start a new.😀
Our fellow YouTube friends from Canada moved to El Salvador a few years ago and love it, We will go visit them one day soon. Thanks for sharing this bro. Cheers from 2 Canucks living in Mexico. 💖✌🏽
Bukele is definitely the best President that Latinoamerica has seen in decades. A true visionary, brave and smart guy
The news from El Salvador is refreshing. Many thanks for your work.
I really hope to see salvador be a powerhouse and get it right in the next 10-15 years. show the western world that it's possible
The most impressive thing about this policy is they are trying to attract artists, not just scientists and engineers as they must understand the value the arts provides society, unlike other places that are just focused on money.
I'm an electro/mechanical technician, engineering technician and an artist. This sounds great. Mexico, El Salvador and Costa Rica are three countries I am very interested in moving to
OMG!!! ANOTHER brilliant move towards greatness from President Bukele ).
Viva Bukele. El Mejor presidente en Latin America.
Basically the opposite of what Canada and the USA are doing.
Bukele is a blessing to the world who can turn El Salvador into the Singapore of Central America. I am traveling their to check it out.
It’s interesting to see the President of El Salvador coming to a GOPAC convention to encourage freedom in the United States. Boy how the world 🌎 has changed 😮
Andrew Henderson, great video, please keep up the good work.