“If you’re comparing the badness of two words and won’t even say one of them. That’s the worse word”
Imagine working at an office job and your paycheck gets withheld because someone else submitted a form with a bad word in it. That's YouTube
Youtube really will Demonetize a channel for things they can't even control
Benefits to if Youtube were headquartered in Australia:
We all know it was He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Crumbler
YouTube is like the teacher who holds the entire class in for the entire break because one kid was misbehaving
YouTube loves to be such a YouTube.
To quote a comedian: "if you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won't even say one of them, that's the worse word."
Yet sex bots are all over the place
I can't tell if Youtube likes getting money or hates it. With all of these back to back to back unskippable ads you would think it's the former. But with how they treat their content creators, (the people who make them money) it has to be the latter with these policies.
If someone is comparing two bad words, and they abbreviate one and not the other, the other word is not as bad as the abbreviated word. Otherwise, you would abbreviate both or neither.
That dude’s name had me laughing so fucking hard when I first watched that video. Insane username
God. Britain and Aussies have it really bad then...
Imagine being banned from TF2 because some guy was named The Cock Crumbler.
Youtube is the parent who will not listen to your argument solely because they are the parent and you are the child who will make the parent's future they neglect
So they're against "the f slur", but will run ads for Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh who both regularly use that word? God do I hate this platform.
this man gets demonetized for some less offensive word YET THERE ARE LITERAL SEX BOTS ON YOUTUBE AND WEIRD ADS STILL.
Either someone at YouTube really likes Hot Fuzz, or that guideline was written by an Australian.
It saddens me that I live in a country where one of the funniest words ever is considered a no no just because we’re puritan weirdos who are scared of female anatomy