One of the best primarch because he has common sense
I love the Khan. He openly embraced Psykers, essentially stating that Strength is Strength rather than fearing its Arcane ways due to the culture of Chogoris. He was Magnus' closest friend, and few among his loyalist brothers were as sullen as he to learn that The Crimson King had turned to Chaos.
For the speedy boy among Emperor's primarch, he decided to wait it out to confirm mixed messages between loyalists and traitors. Khan simply said, "Let's stop and think for a second instead of jumping gun."
Fun fact: He once made the Orks RUN IN FEAR.
He liked Sanguineous though and thanks to him we got the single most charming line in history. "Sanguinius shrugged. 'We're all made into images for them. That is our purpose, you might say.' He leaned forwards conspiratorially. 'And between you and me..! he flashed his impossibly handsome smile, 'I am not really an angel.'" Thank god we have the khan to cause that exchange.
Jagahtai Khan doing horseback hunting means he caried a horse on his back and chased his prey on foot.
Magnus, who can be argued is the most powerful primarch, recognized enormous, latent psychic potential in Khan. Also if he gets wound up enough he goes in to his Alakh Geh mode and is basically untouchable.
Wtf kind of horse did a 12 foot primarch ride
Horus read JTK so wrong. JTK observed Horus and realized exactly what he was going to do without "showing his cards".
I honestly forget that kaghatai khan exists in 40k. Which is lore accurate
Emps: where was our speed freak during the Horus humbug? Custodes: standing on top of a land raider Emps: wow, that's the slowest he's ever been Custodes: to be fair, it was going a million miles per hour. -EMPS TTS
Jaghatai has really grown on me since reading the Siege of Terra series. There was a nice moment between Jaghatai and Sanguinius when when Sanguinius told him to "shove Mortarion's stupid rebreather down his throat" And that he did..
Jaghatai is the quiet and reserved kid who can fight back/ make a rebuttal when he needs to. People kind of wanted him to be on his side when problems arise.
Jaghatai also has the distinction of being one of the only people to make Alpharius say, "That didn't go how I expected."
Khan: "I am merely waiting this out for now, to see who is truly at fault here." Horus: "So that means you're on my side, right?" Khan: "Idiot." <Charges into battle>
And then someone messed with his Google Maps and he got lost in the webway, meanwhile the White Scars have Moto GP races every time they fight, with the Chapter Master being in the lead od the chanpionship, with 125 pts (i took it from the tabletop, or at least what i found about him in the stats)
Let us not forget, he also delivered the sickest burns of any Primarch. Fulgrim: "they are delightfully fast. I hear from my contacts, that you do strange things to your ships?" Khan: "i hear you do strange things to your men."
Those poor horses....had to carry this 12 foot tall behemoth of a man...
"Your side? You mean fighting a dark gods?" "........" "Horus? Are you....." "Alright I'm out! Have a nice day"