1:30 "In space, you can hear only your tinnitus."
"In space no one can hear you ALIEN ROMULUS"
I watched this in IMAX and it was incredible. Felt like I was floating at times.
Fede Alvarez said he played Alien Isolation and it was a huge reason why he wanted to make this movie. I freaking knew it! I loved that game so now I'm even more hyped!
"Ridley, do we really need 500 face hugger assault scenes?" "Is that too few? We should add more."
Astronaut 1: "I can't find any milk for my coffee" Astronaut 2: "In space no-one can. Here, use cream"
This was thrilling to watch. The final creature looks disturbing.
Astronaut 1: thrs somethn in th wo'er! Atronaut 2: what?! Astronaut 1: WO'ER!
Fede Alvarez really likes his "young people break into a place and end up victims" plotlines.
Every Alien movie, ever.... Person 1: I don't think we should go into <insert creepy location here>!!! Person 2: Will be fine. Face Hugger: hello
I've seen 7 different spellings for "water" in these comments and somehow all of them are accurate.
I can't believe they really made an english man say "water" in a tense scene
Please don’t be a disappointment. Please don’t be a disappointment. Please don’t be a disappointment…..
British dude: "something in da wo'ah" Facehugger: don't you mean a BO'AH 'O WO'AH?"
Everyone in the movie theater watching this trailer in the IMAX room: getting tinnitus from this trailer An artillerymen in the theater: this is my jam
I’m not gonna lie, seeing full on practical effects with animatronics in an age where cgi dominates actually has me excited. CGI creatures nowadays are so incredibly photorealistic and I love it, but seeing what appears to be a real, tangible Xenomorph has me interested.
In space, no one can hear you: "There's somefin' inna wa'uh."
"There's somfin in the fohkin' wo'ah"
Filmmakers: Alien 1979: Ridley Scott. Aliens 1986: James Cameron. Alien³ 1992: David Fincher. Alien Resurrection 1997: Jean Pierre - Jeunet. Prometheus 2012: Ridley Scott. Alien Covenant 2017: Ridley Scott. Alien Romulus 2024: Fede Álvarez.