7:18 There was a small mistake. It was Michael Collins and not Charlie Duke.
For once i´m the First to comment something.. It`s over 50 years ago we set our fot up there there.I was 6 years old when i looked at the first Moonlanding on Tv, and i still remember it.. I think i´m getting old .😁 From Sweden.🙏🤘🚀
The truth of human experiences is so often more clearly revealed in the specific details.
I thought it was Phil Collins? Michael Collins was truly under appreciated 4:32
Charlie Duke was NOT the astronaut waiting for them up in lunar orbit. It was Michael Collins.
How is any of this untold? All NASA data is publicly available.
Michael collins was the command module pilot
I couldn't listen anymore when you said Charlie Duke. It was Michael Collins. I feel better. Now to finish the otherwise excellent video.
My favourite untold space story is that of the entire soviet space program. Particularly, their lunar programme. We just aren't taught about it in the West and get a very one sided veiw of the space race.
Calling Michael Collins, Charlie Duke was disconcerting. I was listening and watching while I work and had to rewind the video to see if I had missed a change of topic from Apollo 11 to 16.
Buzz Aldrin tells the story of how they were able to achieve liftoff from the moon a bit differently. It was not a (Fisher) Space Pen that saved the day; those were metal not plastic. What he himself said he used was a plastic felt tip pen that they had for writing notes on the dry erase marker type pads they used. The switch itself was a circuit breaker, not directly tied to the ascent engine, but controlled the power for the panel they needed to activate that engine switch. That’s why they had to use the felt tip pen to push that circuit breaker, so that they would not be shocked when the panel regained power.
Charlie Duke? oh yeah, it was actually Michael Collins
I could not imagine taking a nap while Mission Control looks for a work around to fix the only switch to ignite the motor that gets you off the moon. The guys have huevos of steel.
My favourite story from Apollo 11 was when Buzz saw an object tracking them. Then after a while it accelerated away.
Michael Collins was in the command module not Charlie Duke. How could you get this so wrong?
I turned 15 two months after the Moon landing. I do recall the problem finding a good landing spot, but the other things I do not remember at all, from back then. Also, the other pilot was Michael Collins, not Charley Duke. Duke flew on Apollo 16 and was Capcom during Apollo 11's scary landing.
Neil Armstrong was a U.S. Naval Aviator, and NOT an Air Force pilot.
Michael Collins was piloting the command module, not Duke. Duke was communicating with them the radio back in Houston.
I am old enough to remember watching this adventure. However I did not know any of this story. Thanks for doing this.