Hi Jason, Big fan of your channel! I am a professional arborist from Québec Canada and would like to eventually transmission towards woodworking Not sure you will read this but, who knows!.... Hear are some of my thoughts on this video. I am not convinced this was fully considered before moving the tree. At first glance the tree you are moving is a red maple (hard to see the leaves on the video) I would say your tree is showing signs of stress because its leaves have changed colour and seem to be falling prematurely compared to the other trees on your property. And moving it will no doubt add to this stress. You see when they use large spades like this they removed a lot (70% to 90%) of the fine feeder roots or absorptive roots and this will cause a lot of additional stress on your tree. This will force your tree to use its stored food reserves. It is important to note that a tree can live up to five years on these stored reserves. Conveniently most companies that offer this type of service (myself included) rarely offer more than a two year guarantee on transplanted trees. Something else to consider is even if your tree survives, its growth will be stunted for years sometimes only growing 2 to 3 inched in a season. For the same price you could have planted 6 to 8 container grown trees. A health potted sugar maple or red oak in my area for example can grow almost two to three feet in a single year. Something else I noticed about this maple is its structure. Maples that grow outside of a forest environment (Urban trees) have a tendency to produce multiple Codominant stems: two or more main stems that grow from the same point on a tree trunk and are about the same diameter. On this particular tree I counted at least 4 such stems. If allowed to develop these stems will either tear out in a storm, heavy rain, sticky snow or long term will require a crown bracing system to secure. I hope this information was useful to someone out there. Thanks for all the great content hope to join your patreon soon! Vincent
Thanks for 10:41! I was wondering where the newly-moved tree was in the renderings :)
Trees are a great investment to a property, to many people forget that. Good on you for moving that tree.
I’m glad you saved the tree, fingers crossed it survives
Go Jason!! Really glad you 'saved' that gorgeous tree 😊 Hope this video inspires other peeps.
0:54 considering this and Jason's scope creep habits, boy, that project's gonna be huge!
Cool process. I hope the tree makes it.
Super sweet that this can be done.
I’ve seen those trucks going down the road. This is a nice video of showing one in action. Plus, It’s short & sweet.
Jason, the most important step is the after care. Please back fill with soil and soak it in to remove air pockets for the roots to develop. Place a berm around the outside to hold the water in, caution, ensure you perk the soil. The add three inches of wood chip in the area caution , avoid the root flare. Maintain aftercare for the next three to five years. Best.
Jason, I wake up early every Saturday morning, quietly make some coffee, and sneak into my shop to watch your videos. It’s basically the same way I watch cartoons as a kid. But without the coffee and my own shop. Thanks man! You’re awesome.
My grandfather worked for Vermeer Mfg. in Pella, IA. They invented the tree spade many years ago.
This was awesome. I live near a tree service company that has these machines, but I’ve never seen them in action. Totally amazing.
I am glad you saved the tree.
I saw this done 30+ years ago at my brother's then new house in Canada. I was fascinated when the truck came empty and dug several cone holes in his front garden and then repeatedly went off to pick up mature fir trees. They're all still there, growing away nicely.
Very cool! Glad you were able to save that tree.
This is going to be beautiful can’t wait for these builds!
The project and the moving of the tree are amazing. Can't wait to see the steps on the new project either, especially the bridge. I love bridges.
So cool. I had no idea this machine even exists. Great video