The fact that Jaiden put a bunch of pictures of Tostada at the end of the video instead of fanart is so heartwarmingly sweet!
I love how all the cats in the video are drawn and animated like cats EXCEPT for tostada who’s constantly standing on two legs and has distinct hands. What a creature
Jaiden picking the most neurodivergent of kittens makes so much sense.
you can tell she became a true cat person, when she began describing her cat's petting habbits and procedures in detail
i love that tostada is not drawn like a cat but rather a tiny cat-like creature
13:17 "This is Taylor. Taylor loves her personal space This is Toastada. Toastada also loves Taylor's personal space"
this video unironically inspired me to get a cat as a dog person. I've only owned dogs before too. I did get the cat
tostada and taylor are such a “i work alone.” “yeah, we work alone!” dynamic and i love it
Her eyes are so big because she wants to absorb all the light given off by her favorite human.
Well that explains why cats go to the allergic people so often. Because the cat confuses keeping distance with respecting boundaries. That makes so much sense.
Omg tortie cats are truly such divas. I have two od them and they're so different and completely pathtic creatures. One is the love of my dad's life and demands butt pats on a wall shelf, and the other is chonky and constantly screams if she can't see anyone in the house (she has no object permanance). Much love and luck for you and your kitties! <3
jaiden is the type of person to have 2 birds and a cat
She pulled a schllat. Didn't get the can't she wanted, so she named the one she got after it. Jambo and Tostada are truly a pair.
"Jaiden...aren't you allergic to cats?" Like that has ever stopped a cat owner before. I may break out in a rash when I hold my little girl, but that's why they invented antihistamines.
Top 3 things that makes me happy: -understood an video of jaiden whitout needing the subtitles or need to wait a fandub appear -cookies -my cat, Nala
As someone who volunteers with a cat rescue tostada is the most autistic cat I've ever heard described. . . .a perfect match for Jaiden
Tostada is drawn like a little toddler the whole vid 😭 officially a birb and cat mom, good job Jaiden
Given the proper circumstances and motivation, your cat can absolutely fly into the ceiling fan
Jaiden has clearly never seen an old 3 legged dog. They are a treasure. But this cat. It is a good kitty