
Is the God Particle the key to limitless power? Let us know below!


I heard Einstein tore up several pages of scientific notes because he said if mankind was not ready for it: if mankind knew what was in the pages he destroyed mankind would destroy itself.  Could this be what Einstein was talking about?


Some scientists including Michio Kaku are deeply 'Cerned'


Knowing "Reality of Reality" is DANGEROUSLY destructive


just because we can doesn't mean we should is the quantum equation for free will.....ai can run simulations of experiments before they occur using quantum principles to shine light into dangerous uncharted territory.....ai can be humanities antenna's into the unknown quantum realm.....


New findings and topics are always fascinating. However, many media outlets regularly fall into the mode of inducing emotional worries and fears with “if only, what if” scenarios. Good for “clickbait”, but more of a hindrance to gaining real knowledge.


the edit looks to good man!


Youtube graphics should win a Nobel in physics


Perhaps with the power of quantum computing we would be able to more carefully study the God particle plugin in ways that we could never imagine before. so learning and experimenting with these new forces along with new tools such as quntum computing and AI, we would be able to advance and maybe be able to understand these concepts that right now would be beyond our comprehension. so As these new advancements solidify, our ways of using these tools and experiment with them will also change. I think there is a world in where we can advance relative to the pace of our tools. just keep it off the hands of the military and the oligarchs.


I’m glad it’s Friday .


Only reverence authentic realm know of this movement of power in this season.  That God is aware of this movement.


Whoooh !!! if this is a legit breakthrough / discovery its both terrifying & phenomenally exciting 😮🥴🤯🤯 what a whirlwind of a time we are experiencing ehh !! 🌪


Thanks God,  tell michio kaku I am grateful,  thanks lord


String theory is simplified by the Domino effect and every action has an equal and opposite reaction because it effects everything it comes in contact with


as long as there are repressed inventions that can benefit this world,solve many problems,hunger,cancer ,energie,pollution,why would we be letting more powerful things be controlled against our welbeing


i dont care about kaku's feeling, all i need to is the science behind everything


this video makes me feel like I'm an alien or I'm  high


Doing something that’s never been done is always gonna be scary but if we want new advances in technology and all these other things you were talking about I believe we should do it. Star Trek is our future and we’re never gonna get there if we don’t accept our neighbor and accept the people that are on our earthand start pushing the boundaries of knowledge and entering a new age


Beam me Scotty..  I'll take any reality or future other than this depressing post covid economy.


I am journeyman carpenter . My name is Chuck Norris. . I understand pretty much 95% of what you guys are talking about, but I think I can figure out the last 10%. .