
Dang you, Stalman! Making me buying more plugins. A few of those looks insanely helpful


When you drag one of the Titles and then customize it to make your brand font / colors....  in the next video you are making you have to repeat all these configurations?  Or how do you personally avoid having to redo all these modifications to a Title/Effect ?


I like to imagine a world with no plugins. Where Final Cut just lets us do these things natively.
There are probably 5 plugins that I couldn't do without, but 95% of the  issues I run into in Final Cut are plugin related.
It's a real love hate relationship.


MotionVFX do great plugins and have really good customer service. When I bought mHUD 3 my i9 MB Pro was ridiculously slow to export video using it. They found a resolution of me within 2 hours of reporting it that involved teaching me how to adjust the assets in Motion. They then incorporated this resolution  into some future releases so other people didn't have issues. I have also reported issues in the past for them to fix and make updates available in their app within the day. I love MVFX.


looks like zoom effects is not available anymore on their website unless I overlooked.


Thanks I needed this and happy to support fellow Calgarian :)


watching this while editing in FCPX and looking at my collection of motionVFX plugins, and nodding my head haha! great video as always!


I bought a few of these, thanks Tyler!


Damn, it's a shame that premiere doesn't have such an amazing integration with plugins as fcp has


OMG, this is going to save me so much time. Thanks for sharing!


Don’t give up! There are legitimate professional editors who are also YouTube content producers who truly understand what we’re looking for in FCP extensions and plugins. Until then…


Saved this for later reference. Thanks!


MVFX are amazing, I use the mMusic video quite a lot. I wish I could afford to get a lot more of their plug ins.


Thanks for making this! Have you checked out the auto captions for Final Cut Pro?


It's still expensive. Are you planning to do a sale soon?


Thank you for sharing this video! I am just getting started with FCPX. After I shoot my video on my iPhone and bring it into FCPX, do you recommend adjusting the color first or applying a LUT via MVFX? Just trying to get an understanding of the recommended workflow.


Those look like some great plugins! Did you film all that skating down at millz?? That guy was ripping haha


I’m on the newer side of Final Cut Pro I haven’t had a Mac or the software for nearly as long as I did my old windows computer so there’s still a lot for me to learn about the software, but I am loving everything that it’s capable of and this was really helpful. Thank you! I have cerebral palsy and I’m wheelchair-bound so most of the time due to lack of money I literally have to use things until they completely break. Lol. Luckily for me I had a friend who had an extra iMac the last Intel one and sold it to me for fairly cheap at $600 so if you count FCP $900 not too bad to start with.


Another good video, love your content man 💪


Do you strictly use Final Cut Pro?  Do you have any plans switching to DaVinci Resolve 18?