Took me 5 years to earn my first dollar :) to each their own!
thank you, Sean, I've been following you for years and finally as you say, "just hit record".
This feels right with consistency and quality it can be done
I’ve tried every single method and nothing has worked for me 😢
I've been doing YouTube for over 2 years and I haven't even gotten to be able to apply for the YouTube partnership program.
Me me me ❤
2 years in and only earned £17 so far.
I earned 1.89 (which doesn't even get paid out to you) after 4 years. So... what am I doing wrong?😅
Tbh all these "how long does it take to monetize" are very situational & cannot be put into analytics like that lol. I have never seen someone monetize my niche on Instagram (nothing related to the channel on this account) & it took me less than 2 months to start getting paid gigs from businesses that gave a few repeat likes over time. Pretty sure it should be the same for YouTube, It's all about how you approach it 🤷. Still remember my very first YouTube channel, 3 years of grind back in 2010 & got to 1000 subs after all that & only made 50$, because that was young me & I had no real vision & didn't really look at it as a potential business so it never took off 😂