Hi Michael, Just wanted to thank you again. My class just won a competition run by CITB and Makers Empire 3D. It’s a first for me and your videos helped me develop some design sense which came in handy with our solution.
I have watched many videos of yours, I was surprised to see you mention my bowden tube splitter. Thanks for the mention. I always like seeing that other people find my parts useful.
The best adhesive I have used is 3DLAC! Spray on and use on cool plate or hot plate! Best product ever!
The Bambulab spool switcher & winder is great. I printed it not because I have an AMS or a Bambulab printer but because sometimes the rolls of filaments I use come badly winded. You can use your own hand and no drill. You get better control. And there are a ton of mods for that model, which greatly increases its performance and ease of use.
Before winding maybe insert the filament into a ptfe tube you can use to hold on to instead.
I've just upgraded from my trusty Ender 3 to the X1-C. It's quite an upgrade! It's great to have the upgrade info come from a trusted source. Thanks 🙂
For super good prints with ABS or ASA I use the following settings on the bambu Lap X1 Nozzle temperature to 260 for the first layer and the remaining layers 270. -max flow of 12 mm3/s -an extrusion multiplier of 1.0 fits better than the default values of 0.95 -fan speed normal layers 20% to 40% overhangs 40% to 60% -Speed for the first layer 75mm/s -110 degrees bed temperature -high temperature board or textured board -For very large prints add a bit of 3D Lac
excellent video ive seen a few videos like this. but something about this one really felt very useful. No filler and direct. Keep up the good work. gonna checkout your race channel!
I love the thumbnail photos where Michael looks like he’s been taken hostage.
@14:43 I have watched now about 10 t0 12 videos and no one has mentioned this filament dryer feature. I agree, I would probably use different seals on the glass top when using this feature but still what a great option that’s part of the printer.
For the Y splitter for the external filiment feeding, I found a version I really like that has an M3 mounting hole so you can remove one of the panel screws and replace it with a longer one, holding the splitter in place.
ABS/ASA on the Textured PEI at 110C bed temp will not warp off the bed until it cools. No stupid release agents necessary. I would not try to flex the plate as soon as the print is done. It will be very stuck on there. Could try anything from 90C to 110C to get the perfect first layer adhesion. I usually take it out of the printer and push the bed down on a glass coffee table to suck the heat away from it if I need to remove it quickly. Takes about 10-20 seconds and it pops right off. I have printed probably over 10KG ABS like this.
Vision Miner's adhesive is amazing. I use it for work, where I just don't have time to mess with iffy first layers. I've been trying to tell people about it for years!
I don't even own a bambu lab printer XD I just like watching videos about 3d printer. (just sharing)
For catching poop chute output, I use a small cardboard box behind the printer. Quick, easy (as long as you have or can find a box to fit where you need), and it doesn't take any filament.
Thank you Michael, Great video as Always.
The PTFE bracket is a nice thought, but with my X1C it hits the top of the casings rim when going to the far corners. A break failure of the toolhead is for sure a large warning.
I just got a X1-Carbon and its my first 3D printer. I've printed quite a lot of dessicant spool holders that screw together in the void space of the spool. I printed a cable management panel for the AMS hub / buffer at the back of the machine but found I had to remix it quite a lot to allow the cable and tube disconnect tools to work when the panel was installed. I'll try printing the PTFE print head guide as my tube rubs on the top glass panel. Currently printing some AMS dessicant holders for the front of the AMS where there is 3 significant voids. Instead of printing a Y splitter for the back of the machine, and having to find the screw-in fittings, it seems that Bambu sell a 4-way splitter on their website for $5 AUD which is normally used on the A1 mini and also works as a Y splitter.