hormona not knowing the words, acacia just standing in one place for the whole lip sync. double elimination worthy
I can't believe BOTH OF THEM eventually survived after this lipsync...
We got a great first lipsync and then this…. Choices
Thank god Ariana was not the guest judge this week
In the words of a famous philosopher: DO SOMETHING CHARLIE!!
Congrats to Dahlia and Nicky for not having the worst Ariana Grande lip sync of the show anymore 🤩
As RuPaul once said: MEEHHH..
Prop to Hormona for keeping the Sadness personality in this lip sync
yes, and...tomorrow's Mistress Monday WAKE IT UP!!! 😍
Double Sashay...this was so horrible If the best part of a lipsync is a makeup brush inside a hairy ass we have truly lost it
Can’t believe they saved Hormonia Lisa and not Irene 😂
They threw an ariana song away like that smh. I want a redo with other queens lol. They were underwhelming and the butt brush was the only highlight
how was this not a double elimination
baby yes and no
We got the best amd worst lipsync of the szn this episode
Girl this makes Dahlia and Nicky’s lip sync look like the “shut up and drive” lip sync😭😭
PRODUCERS: Stop wasting a performance song on the talent show episode, obviously the bottom two are not gonna be doing anything worthy 🧐
They both need to go, hormona's storyline is bringing a usb flashdrive to the book signing, and acacia's storyline is everyone forgetting she's there.
"im not gagging"