“If tomorrow’s not the due date, today is not the do date”. Love it Scott!
"Bit of a david bowie" when refering to the bowed pine trim had me in tears I use the exact same expression and have never heard it from anyone else
"Its only a Fu*k up if you cant fix it". Words to live by. Also people forget how much time documenting a process takes. I'm a potter and often forget about the documenting part even though my process takes well over 2 weeks.
Missed you this weekend Scott and Jess. Saturday wasn’t the same without you. Hope you are both ok.
"It's only a fuckup if you can't fix it"...Some life lessons from our friendly Dutch!
Jess' laugh when Scott referred to himself as 'the Talent' made my day
Ray is a colorful guy! Great sense of humor. “Just send yourself a text, ok”. Ha!
I must admit, I just about cried when you started painting that beautiful Rimu but it turned out looking great!
Don’t stress, it’s a marathon not a sprint. I’m renovating my house and garden by myself, some days I get nothing done as I spend so much time figuring things out and getting materials. As long as you are happy with what you have done who cares. Love the videos and can’t wait to see a new one each week. Keep up the good work.
It’s not slow at all, quality takes time. And best of all, you are slowly adapting to your home, and that’s the best part: You make it the way it works for you. Kudos to Jess for leaving SOME for sound advise from real experience and trial and error for her selves - listen to experienced craftspeople who are good at what they do and make your own choices based on that. BTW, nice episode!
Scott...dont get this wrong but I am beginning to see a trend of your evil henchmen ending up in hospital. ( Beterschap Ray)
So true, it is like Kafka... we are 3 years and counting on our reno ... you guys are killing it.
I"M FROM ARGENTINA. I SEE YOU ALWAYS AND I WISH THE BEST FOR YOUR CHANNEL:hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving:
Along with the countless other reasons I enjoy your channel (Jess and Ray being near the top of that list), your transitions from “main content” to “Squarespace Ad” must be some of the smoothest and most entertaining on YouTube. I know… silly thing to point out, but you make it seem so natural I can rarely tell when it’s coming, and it usually makes me laugh. Thank you, Scott & Jess, for sharing your journey with this tradey from 8,400 miles to your north east.
I live in a house that me and my wife designed in 2002. We built on a budget so many things had to wait when finances got better. After all these years all is still not completed. We live in a house with one new cupboard (main bedroom). For years we coped with two 19th century free standing cupboards until I could do the new ones six years ago. My son's room has a descent second hand cupboard. my daughter's cupboards I made from repossessed 7 ply aircraft crates. Kitchen cupboards I made from old pallets. Still a lot to do and time seems to fly when I start a new project. Keep up the good work.
No such thing as slow when you are building your own cabinets, doors and windows! That adds so much to an already large task. Be proud of where you are at....it all falls into place soon. Builders and people with real world experience are behind ya!
Window came out beautifully. Love the curtains, Jess! Hope Raymond's leg feels better soon!
Love to hear less reliance on the social media and talking to the neighbours in their 70’s about gardening. Boomers rock!
It was definitely a series full of great quotes but my favourite was Jesses sneaky “we all know mens’ brains are in their groins.”