
Transformers One was everything I’d hoped it would be! Storywise is probably the best transformers movie by far, I highly recommend! (especially if you like transformers prime and the Cybertron Games)


Now we need Transformers Minus One.


"The Autobots are cringe" the most devastating insult there is.

Edit: That's a lot more attention than I though this comment was going to get. Thank you all.


"Wa- NUH UH!" This line will forever be funny


¨We were brothers once!¨
¨Fought together side by side!¨
¨I LOVED YOU! Not in a weird way...¨
That explains Prime and Megatron so well.


"ONE SHALL STAND, ONE SHALL FALL" But in the end, they both fall.


Megs: nuh-uh 
Prime: the scrap you mean “nuh-uh”?


“I love you not in the weird well” is so funny


NAH "We were brothers once" got me rolling!!! XD


Guess Starscream is in charge now.


They still argue like brothers and I love it


MEGATRON: It's over Optimus!!! I have a HIGH GROUND!!!
OPTIMUS: You underestimate my power, MORBIUS!!!


"We were brothers once!" (flashbacks)


0:25  one shall fall and the other shall fall


0:17 Not the “we were brothers once” thing 😂😂😂


Orion just resorting to blurting out "One shall stand..." is just hilarious!


I see someone watched Transformers One movie. Good, it was a nice cartoon and fun change. The Megatronus Prime not betraying other primes and Startscream being actually competent for the most time were nice changed to the usual canon.


“Nuh uh.”

- Sentinel Prime, 2024


"I LOVE YOU not in a wierd way"


You're accusing me of pointing... WHILE YOU'RE POINTING