Love your channel man. Makes me happy knowing there are people like you in the world pursuing things like this.
There is something special and magnetic about this channel and Dr. Kipping! Just can't get enough. Thank you so much for another video
We have encountered technological challenges for our entire history that many believed were insurmountable, only to eventually advance through the challenge and unlock the technology. Since we can't know right now, it's most useful to just proceed ahead and assume we can detect life and traverse the stars to meet it. There is insufficient evidence to conclude otherwise and accept the defeat of our dreams.
This is by far the best atronomy channel on Youtube. I love space but most channels just cover the same old basic stuff with clickbait titles and thumbnails. You are honest about all your data and calculations and honest when something is nearly impossible but still give hope that it could happen. You also are just a really great video editor (or have a good editor) and make the content emotionally engaging (which is better than the average movie these days sadly). Keep up the great work!
it's always a wonderful day when cool worlds upload a video ❤️ thank you sir, for sharing your great work with us.
Nothing like a new Cool World's video! I just love how he mixes scientific information with the philosophic ramifications to make it truly thought provoking.
It's one of the best content on YouTube. No click bait shite. Just pure , well explained science.
I must admit that I misunderstood JWST's ability to detect bio signatures, pretty much due to excitement as well as ignorance. Thank you for the thorough explanation of what is actually possible and realistic. Stay curious!
Please slow down your speech just a bit as I hang tight to everything you say. I have lived for many years and hang onto life as long as I am able to learn something new about the cosmos. That has always been my reason for living. Your mind and gift for sharing your knowledge and visions is nothing short of astounding. I try very hard to remember and concentrate on everything you say. Many years ago I incurred a serious head injury in the service. I’m proud to be a disabled NAVY Seal and my love in life now is the very thing you talk about. Thank you for illuminating my cosmos!
I've always been fascinated by your videos and your (relatively) easy way of explaining very complex theories! Thank you for expanding my knowledge about the universe even though I'm a simple cook!
You have no idea how much I appreciate and enjoy watching your videos. I love the passion for exploring subjects that are on the edge of science and yet a balanced approach to examining them. I will continue to stay curious! Keep going!
Don't know if its just me, but every time I watch a new video from Professor Kipping, I get very emotional. I don't know if its the way he explains it, his voice, the material he covers, or just that I am really into what he is talking about. This video made me choke up and I had to wipe my eyes. I think any time talk of life and the survival of life on earth is brought up it hits a cord with me. The shear crazy fact that the Earth and all life on it even exists at all in a Universe that more and more seems to be hostile to said life really is a "Fools Hope" indeed. We are Star Stuff, the Universe trying to understand itself....
I love your videos David, great work at Cool Worlds lab team!!
Thanks for another amazing video David. As always, I'm reminded of just how astoundingly lucky we are to have been gifted with life.
“It’s possible.” Wow man, I came to watch an interesting space video and instead I got a much needed pick up while wading through a dark part of my life. Thanks for that.
Beautiful and mind expanding, as always. I so look forward to these.
Looking forward to this one! Thanks for making these high quality and thought provoking videos. 👍👍
You have no idea how much I love watching your vids. It was one of the channels that inspired me to start this one. While I know my channel quality and content is no where near as yours, it still inspires me in every way. Thank you!
When I feel small and insignificant I watch cool videos like cool worlds and i feel grateful to be alive again