
I always love a crisp fall day!


love this painting, thank you for the beautiful and crisp lesson 😊


This channel is the reason I learned how to do landscapes in gouache omg


Thank you so much for a brilliant lesson. I can almost feel the crisp leaves walking on this path


Everything looks so crisp!!! Thank you for the wonderful lesson!


You are the best teacher, I love all your paintings. Thank-you so much.


Such a crisp approach to this beautiful painting, thank you 😉


❤ A beautiful painting


Really gorgeous. I saved it to watch the whole thing later. THank you.


Beautiful CHRISP painting! Awesome!🤩👍


Crispe brush sound 😊awesome lesson sir


Thanks.   It certainly is crisp!


I'm  looking forward to painting  this one again ! My first one turned out beautifully and im sure with your next tutorial  this one will as well. Thanks Ryan 👍.


Ahhh❤ this one is fobs be so good!!


Really crisp lesson.


So beautiful thank you❤❤


You are the best !❤


Nice crisp Painting.


Crisply made!! 😊


Looking jacked bro!