
Bro you're voice is iconic... why do a voice over with the crappy ai voice 😭


98% comments are people complaining about Ai voice, and I wholly agree with them


Please don't use ai voice it drives me nuts


Me ear drums scratched at level 6 with deeper grooves at level 7....


i guess jerry jerry-rigged his voice too


Please don’t use the AI voice


Bro with one of the richest and most chocolatey voices choosing to use the trashiest synthetic VO 😭😭😭


Please no tic tok voice.


I hope this just means Zack has a sore throat. Didn't expect to see the TikTok voice here, and I don't even use TikTok 😣




Jerry, your voice sounds different?


Please don't use the horrible tiktok voice, you have such a lovely voice yourself


This AI voice is just awful


disliked for AI voice, CMON DUDE !


This vid was not Jerryrigeverything it was riggedeverything


Honestly, Jerry, you are a gem in humanity. If he doesnt like your set up, then that's a reflection on him, not on you.


Bro hired a pr firm or something


This is why I love your channel you always here with a handle way to help ❀❀❀ bless you


his look was:
I really want that article to be P O S I T I V E


Bless you man us disabled people are really appreciated on the products you make