
Amazing this really works so relaxing properly the best I ever listened to big thumps up


Very nice thanks


I have always struggled with anger , resentments, and unforgiveness. I have been working on it with a therapist and 12 step sponsor, and it is getting better. I was told that resentments only hurt you, not the wrongdoers. I had to write down my resentments and how they affected me to see the damage to motivate me to let go. I also had to write down my part in the resentments so I could see where i was in the wrong, make amends, change behaviors, build my character and reconcile relationships if appropriate. Obviously there are some situations you don't play a part like if you were abused. I really get into psychology and human behavior so I like to understand why people act how they do for example mental illness. It helps to have compassion  on them and to wish them well. This is NOT justifying or condoning it just helps to understand, have compassion, and wish them well. Its also not good to get revenge, not only because of consequence but they will get their karma and there will be justice. If it motivates them to change and make amends be happy for them.


I was looking for something along the lines of this because I'm feeling a lot of self hate for not being able to stick to a sleep routine, which I've heard is so bad for the health 😭but now it's like a loop in which I harm myself back again, lashing out at myself! I just want it to stopp. This meditation was literally the only one thing that I could listen to this night bc every other made me more angry haha 😨, but your voice was ssoo kind, like really nurturing, and somehow the words that you said made so much sense to me. I'll give it a try to more of your meditations😊 thank you so much.

Oh btw I just wanted to say, if it's of any use, that the only part I felt that disrupted the feeling of peacefulness that I had created was the message at the last part, but otherwise, a bliss! One of the things I found useful was that at the beginning you let us know what we could expect from the guide 🙌 ty again !!


I had another of your uploads earmarked for tonight, but I'll be giving this one a go instead I think.  Oh btw, you should offer a service for custom meditations.  I'd pay for a two minute script that I'd loop, along the lines of "everything is going to be alright, nothing else matters, we're here in the now, and nothing can touch us, time is relative... etc"