
I had the retail and lifeguard jobs. Frankly I'd put the lifeguard one higher. While the pay was slightly less it was a very easy job 99% of the time and it always came up at interviews for other jobs and scholarships


I like everything about this video, but you left me confused -- why not present things in the usual D => S-tier order?  Why hop around?


Maybe my subjective experience and specific awful people have affected my opinion but I'd swap theater and cashier. Being a cashier might be boring, but it paid better than working at a theater, gave better hours, and you dont have to smell the stench of movie theater popcorn every day.

And the "free movies" only goes so far. If you have a petty manager that devides to punish her staff by mot allowing them to watch movies for free, that perk is gone.

Cleaning theaters sucka. Getting under the seats is awkward. It has to be done auickly and at a specific time. A specific time that may shift if your manager is incompetent and starts films anywhere up to an hour late. Then there's the nasty things people leave or do in theaters. I'll leave that one up to imagination. 

I got paid $5.15 an hour for that job. They'd consistently try to keep me up there during weekdays late at night despite it being illegal to keep a kid woth school the next day working past w/e hour was the limit.


I’m a DJ I think that’s the coolest job out there


If I want to do law or psychiatry, what high school classes should I take??