Those were screams of pure agony, definitely a number 2 after Taco Bell
Those are the most powerful words I've ever heard in my life. Thank you so much for your teachings, Elise. Now when I use a public restroom, I'll be sure to turn them away with my newfound wisdom.
"IF THERE'S RAIN, THERE'S THUNDER!" shits aggressively
That was so beautiful I’ll scare them away with my lovely singing
I was telling them to come back with a warrant, but I think this is my new go to!🤣
Thank you Elsie, this happens to me regularly and very often and I don’t know how to stop it. I’m very glad I stumbled upon this video😄
It's giving me flashbacks from when I was in kindergarten and someone walked into me using the bathroom and that's what I did 😭
Thank you Elise. This is something that I’ve been having a lot of problems with. But thank goodness I’ve found an answer thanks to you.
The way she runs away😂
I just say "come in!"
That’s a good way! Thank you so much Elise!!!😅👍👌😍
Thanks for the advice, Elise! 👍☺️
That scream could shatter glass 😭
Why did I laugh so hard at this💀💀
I just say "come in" lol works every time
Someone once knocked on the door and i immediately said come in as a default response i sat there for 20 minutes regretting all my life choices
"One mud pie, coming right up!"