
What I'm learning from these videos is that from the outside looking in perspective..I can see why people think I'm an asshole. 😂😂😂


Boy, is this ever the truth!  It's frustrating when someone is trying to share something important with you and you have to use all your energy in just being polite! Takes tremendous patience, but helps keep relationships happy.


It is also frustrating when someone thinks they know what you are saying, so they cut you off and argue against you, all while getting what you were saying all wrong. 😅


Truth!! Resisting the urge to finish their sentence for them is hard. But I’ve stuck my foot in my mouth so many times over the years that now I really force myself to just pay attention and listen for clues that my assumption is wrong. Then I can enjoy that “surprise.” It’s like a plot twist in a movie that I didn’t see coming 😊


What cracks me up is how people will come for me when I recall theses moments and say that I’m inpatient and rude. But I did wait..quietly for them to finish. I just want you to understand the struggle to do it, the struggle is real, understand me, share with me, appreciate my struggle. It’s why I’m exhausted at the end of the day.


Yes, it's so weird though because on the one hand you have 'I'm there before you, please hurry up and say it' and then you have the 'I have not one clue what you just said' due to problems with verbal processing or zone out.


It's like - Yup - you can shut up now.  I got it.  Kinda sucks to be impatient with well meaning people.  I've had to learn to wait until they are done speaking before reacting.  But, far to often I open my mouth too early and talk over them or don't let them finish or change the direction of the conversation.  Defiantly a skill to have letting other tell their store to the end.




I love when I'm with someone I don't have to mask with and they get these nuances and even don't mind an interruption. They can do the same to me if they know where I'm going in conversations as well


This causes so many fights with my family and I, I've tried to explain it's like a pattern I already know what you want to say, Im not trying to be rude/angry because I sigh and seem a little disinterested/distracted, I truly am listening but i really do know what your going to say.

Conversely, I was paying attention but my brain has literally not processed a single thing you just said, I'm not an ass hole or ignoring you purposely.


I feel this pain, I understood the conversation in 5 seconds... they went on explaining it for 15 more minutes... and its with someone that while I can just walk away... I don't want to start burning that bridge.


You should do a video how people with adhd actually communicate with one another ❤


You have to listen to them ramble on and on, BUT they hate when you share your own experiences of the same thing they just talked about for the last 20 minutes.

It not fair, I tell ya!


Yes! And I can be so rude about it sometimes and I know it’s not ok


Yes! I experience this multiple times a day with my students.


In my mind: Aim your toes toward the speaker, aim your toes toward the speaker, ...


This is the most relatable I've seen in a while!! It makes me somehow always so angry, if I have to listen straight for 10 minutes, while I've understood it after 1 💀


Yes!! It's painful.


It happens with walking too, when someone in front of me in a narrow path is walking slowly. It drives me crazy


Literally gives me anxiety to stand there waiting. But at least I can honestly say I no longer interrupt and finish for people