
I am the one that sent him the game in the po box! 🙂glad you enjoyed it!


3D Land always gets overlooked when talking about the modern 3D mario games, so glad Small Ant is giving it the recognition it deserves!!


I love how this just turned into a running gag of Toad jumping off a cliff and then safely landing on ground below.


The story of his teacher yelling “DONT ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME” for him avoiding eye contact had me having flashbacks of the exact same thing happening to me in kindergarten…shame that that’s a common occurrence.


seeing someone playing a game for the first time that i played religiously as a child is an interesting experience


I love the compact diorama feel this game has, if something is there you can interact with it. And the details like fact that the devs knew that people would find an infinite lives trick so they made crowns at 1000 lives... it's very nice. The only down side is the non existant replayability: once you finished it 100% it's done... wich says a lot about the quality.


As someone who has beaten this game more than once, it's so weird when he's confused about not having 3d world or odyssey gimmicks


slightly concealed part of an area: exists
Smant: my anty senses are tingling


Ant has a gift for sensing when and how he can break a game, even if it’s his first time playing


"We're at a half-way point!"

Those of us who got the 5 shiny stars on a file know that this is simply not true.


"I guess we're only half done!"
me knowing he's only ~1/4 the way done
No one tell him how he really has to beat the game lol


This game is literally my childhood! Not a lot of people talk about it but I love it!


As a kid, I literally beat this game so many times I had memorized where every Star Coin was in the main 8 worlds and World S1.
Once I got to S2 tho i was kinda fucked


This was one of my first mario games đź’™


31:50 "How did he he pushed me the recoil from his no."
- SmallAnt 2022


The first minutes of this video is just SmallAnt realizing how far we've come with Mario games


I like that it took him no time at all to find a way to get infinite lifes.


My favorite Mario game of all time. The story of the production of the game is incredibly touching as well, with the game serving as a source of comfort and solidarity to a team suffering in the midst of an ecological disaster


33:06 this part where smallant describes bowser flying away made me laugh.


“Someone went home and recorded their pet cat”
Acts as if that isn’t something done before (Minecraft Ghast)