
What was your favorite World Championship Winning moment?


Mbozes laugh kills me every time 😂


The bow down was legendary.


WUMP. Thanks for reacting to the video Scump, our absolute pleasure  - Albeeni


"did Scump talk shit" boy you have no fucking idea


6:19 “the dynasty has been cemented” had you cheesin!!!! The fucking G O A T


Favorite moment was watching optic dynasty walk out on Sunday. Got to see my childhood before seeing the boys take home the championship. Go Green Wall!


11:12 alec hucked tf outta his headset 😭


The optic dominance from AW through IW was insane. Sucked we only won one champs


@1:05 I forgot how cracked parasite was at BO2


Both of OpTics championships came off of preventing a repeat for the past champs the year prior lmao


The bow down was the best one bro


The haggy crack gets me every time


One of the first. Champs this weekend was amazing


“Bow down” and “who’s the best in the game” are 2 of the most iconic call of duty moments ever 😂


This game changed my life and gave me friends that til this day I wish I could reconnect with


I just wish scump could have experienced the crowd like this while he was still playing (yes ik optic has always showed up but this champs specifically the crowd was unreal)


Bro fr going from first to last back to first for a ring is insane


This video made me emotional!!!!


The boys really did it 💚