"An 18 yr old junior?" "Yeah those are usually the ones that bring guns." That caught me off guard lol
Oh poor Daniel, such bravery for a 12 year old. Rest in peace young man... you saved many lives without even knowing.
I do hope that Toby’s case opens more doors for getting help for men who are victims of domestic violence. Rip Toby.
Rest In Power Daniel Beaver, a true hero at such a young age! Without Daniel’s phone call who knows how many more victims there would have been.
1st guy a prime example of "anything you say can and will be used against you"
The Bever brothers are both evil. Their little brother’s 911 call as he begged them to stop is absolutely horrific. I’m glad that crystal and her baby sister lived and were adopted together and still have each other. Of course none of us grew up in that household so we won’t really know the full dynamics, and it’s hard to rely on the “word” of two sociopathic, murderers. I tend to fall on the belief that they absolutely did what they did, thinking that they were going to go on a spree. Their younger siblings definitely didn’t abuse them and didn’t deserve the barbaric acts imposed onto them by their brothers. They were innocent. I can’t imagine how terrified they were and the pain they endured. As far as Michael and Robert, I hope they find all the fame they craved and deserve on cell block D.
"Teen killers caught" First person: Not a killer Last person: Not a teen. Nice work
“I didn’t wanna kill anyone.” “But you stabbed somebody in the neck.” Ya got me there!
I cant believe how Daniel is a 12 year old and he calls 911 when his parents are injured and he is bracing his life to live and not die but this boy was so protective and brave to call 911 and to stay calm. farewell Daniel.🕊
The first teen is so unfortunate, he came forward and dug himself into those charges. He thought he was coming forward to help and defuse the situation, but all he did was admit everything he possibly could have and get charged, even if it's true that the thought of using the gun never crossed his mind. He probably could have just kept quiet and gotten off with no threat to the school.
With regards to the Bever boys video, Michael's statement about murdering for publicity and fame is the sole reason I hate myself for watching True Crime videos. I am feeding these monsters exactly what they're hungry for all in the name of curiosity. Thank you, Dr. Insanity, however, for compiling these videos in memory of the stolen souls.
36:36 "CAN I PLEASE HAVE A HUG" Idk why but I burst out laughing when she said that, such terrible acting holy 😂
That girl that killed her bf needs a academy award for her act when she found out her bf died from the stabbing she gave him.
4:48. "18 year old junior?" "Those are the ones who bring guns...." Makes lot of sense. 😂
bruh 9:16 "Good thing he didn't use a weapon for evil unlike this guy who killed his whole family BUT FIRST A WORD FROM OUR SPONSER" im dead lmao
"I didn't disrupt anything." "The whole school was on lockdown buddy. I'd call that about as big as a disruption you can have." BRUH 💀
That hug moment with Courtney was the most uncomfortable awkward shit off the video 😭
the kid -"it's literally a 22 henry repeating rifle." the cop -"I didn't ask"
Those two brothers have got to be two of the most evil people ever.