"I can't say sus without someone giggling." As relevant in 2021 as it was in 2014. More, even.
"mah boi, dinner" sighs and walks away This line right here was golden.
"Mah boi dinner... sighs at overused joke snd walks off set"
"I sell prophylactics and tacos." That's quite the occupation, Hank.
1:17 I actually knew a coworker that laughed exactly like this and it still cracks me up to this day
i can't watch the regular episode for 5 seconds without thinking about this video
1:55 will forever be my favourite YTP gag of all time.
Dale: Quitting fishing is the best thing I've ever done, check this out... flies off lol
2:50 The way Dale says "Jesus" in a such an exasperated way killed me for some reason
"I can't say sus without someone giggling" damn, Dikekike predicted the future
"Y'all should do what this man tells ya, he is sexy!" Can't argue with that logic :D
"Quitting fishing is the best thing I've ever done. Check this out!" And then I laughed forever.
"Travart didn't wanna take this home?" "No, he died."
1:42 "here's my semen sample, honey. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"
I have no idea why but the 'my boy dinner' part caused me to explode with uncontrolled laughter. it wasn't even that funny, I just wasn't expecting it
"Watcha got there?" "Nu-u-u-u-u-u" weird beep noise "Boomhauer you're Jesus!" Best fucking part i laughed for like 10 minutes
Hank casually saying "hey bitch" had me rolling
I STILL use "Thank you, sir, I appreciate you, sir, I appreciate soap"
just realized I've unintentionally been quoting the "that's it I'm kicking your ass" bit for years. these videos made me the man I am today.