
Some people won't get it, but just because they don't get it doesn't mean it isn't true for those who have gotten it. 

All things are possible. 

Focus on what you want to experience more of.


you are amazing, Jamie. Where were you all our lives?


I’m so grateful for your videos. I am always mind blown by your timing and they’ve gotten me through some rough periods of pain and confusion. Hope I’m not overstepping — thank you for being part of my soul tribe 🙏I believe it


Solid stuff Jamie, thanks mate


Thanks jamie.it s not whoo whoo stuff...beliefs define who you are.believe the best for yourself.


Beautiful 🎉


I was watching another video and accidentally clicked on this…✨


He gives off such positive vibes ! :)


100% agree our thoughts create reality 
As thoughts arise as opposed to being chosen what is your take on where they “arise” from ?


Thank you Jamie !


The John Mayer song "High School" sometimes comes to mind when I think about what I've been taught and what could be true instead. Thanks for these reminders Jamie! It's like listening to Abraham but in a different voice! 🙂


We are only limited by our minds… Time to embrace our unlimited, “un-fuck-with-able” TRUE selves, and live big bold beautiful lives of absolute freedom and unlimited potentiality! Only then will we even begin to scratch the surface of who and WHAT we really are! Thank you, dear Jamie…wonderful, as always! Namaste 🙏❤️


Thank you for your amazing timely videos ❤


I love that the "Deepest" philosophers always mention things from the Industrial Revolution... where's Diogenes when you need him?

I am Rich, I am Strong!!!
Thy will be done!
Believe in Jesus Christ for Salvation~!


Man, I love your videos… So important the message you share here! PS: you look like the actor who plays Sauron on Rings Of Power, Amazon series… 😂😂😂❤❤❤


You look like an angel !


No i won't