
"ahh your poor wife" 😂


I picked my girlfriend up at the airport Friday morning after work and was graced with the presence of a Murcielago on the way home. He pulled up next to me, correctly deduced I was an  enthusiast from my car, and cruised next to me for a bit to let me enjoy that V12 sound. Gave me a thumbs up, dropped two gears, and took off through traffic. About 15 minutes after I got home, I got the notification for this video. Impeccable timing.


"Your poor wife" - was savage.


First of all, the Murciélago has the final descendant of the Bizzarini V12, which traces its roots back to the company's founding. The story goes that Ferrucio Lamborghini  told Bizzarini he'd get a bonus for every horsepower over 300 it made. Bizzarini smashed the target by making it rev to over 9000. Lamborghini promptly fired him because the goal was to make something civilized. That engine's insanity, accidental or not, would go on to define the brand. It was replaced when the Aventador came out. 

Secondly, there's an anecdote which states that in period factory tours, the Gallardo production line was clean, state-of-the-art. Everything fit, everything was organized. Very German. The Murciélago's side was a disaster, with swearing, smashing with hammers to get things to mount, wires and tools strewn everywhere. It in many ways was the last true Italian Lamborghini.

(If you want to hear more about these, go listen to the Carmudgeon Show.)

Great video, guys.


Keep these 90s and 2000s era car reviews coming boys.


13:29 the best reaction to an air intake system activating 😂


I'd like to have a word with whoever put that wing there


I daily drove this car in 2005 for two whole years and was blown away at how easy it was to drive around.  The stick, the excellent A/C (being I live in Houston, TX) the good visibility (for as big as it is) and didn't have to do ANY crazy service on it the entire time it was driven (other then standard service). It is an excellent car and wish it was still the same price that it was sold for back then!


Perfect timing for the upload, I was about to do something with my life but no need now !


It looks like a stealth bomber. 
Absolutely a timeless piece.


The Murcielago for me was the peak. I can't explain why but the Aventador just didn't captivate me like the the Diablo and Murcielago did..


The murci is THE v12, that sound is the perfect blend of modern refinement and the theater and agression of classic engines. When you guys rolled the windows down even every downshift gave me chills


The older I get the more I find myself still wanting to own the cars I adored growing up as a kid like this one. Cars may have gotten better but they won't ever capture the emotion they had back in the 2000s and early 2010s where they peaked. Please get a 360 Challenge Stradale on this channel too!


"throw it back a couple decades, 2002" ah a great day to feel old 😂


Thomas and James are living their dream life


Thank you guys for not being like every other automotive YouTuber and showing us constant brand new 2024 models, and letting us see our dream cars from your perspective. Best automotive YouTube channel!


17:09 OMG Thomas... LOL!


"Drop a gear and disappear" Don't think I've heard that one! Thanks for featuring this beast. Pretty cool for sure. Didn't realize it was so awkward. It looked great will all your awesome rolling shots!


Murciélago is the Lambo I've grown up admiring. Aventador came around in my teenage years, but that thing never captivated me the same way Murciélago did. This is still my favorite Lamborghini of all, especially as SV, and doubly if it's an SV with a ducktail spoiler.

Great video once again, gentlemen! Those redline takes with the windows down were a treat in particular.


This was the first Lamborghini that the VW-Audi group had any involvement in, but it was designed largely by the people at Lamborghini, which is why the interior feels less like an Audi and is a bit more industrial, but wrapped in leather. The Gallardo is the one that really showed the most influence from VW-Audi. A lot of people love the Murcielago, but I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the Gallardo.