Hard to disagree with the thumbnail title; this was an amazing developer direct. Xbox had a real nice rhythm to their presentation with interesting insights and superb showcasings. 0:20 - Kind of hilarious to have the Nintendo and Sony respective presenters to talk about the Xbox presentation (though with exception to South of Midnight, all the other games are popping up on non-Xbox systems as well). 2:43 - The only one I've played is Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge on the Wii U. Decent game but with a difficulty that ranged from challenging to brutally stupid (one boss was just three mini-bosses at once with massive health bars and camera angles that refused to work). 4:44 - I admittedly got myself disappointed here by making the assumption that it was going to be a DOA 7 reveal. One day; at least Ninja Gaiden 4 being a thing gives me hope for DOA's future. 7:02 - The one rumour I saw was an Ecco the Dolphin revival, which I'd have loved just from the absurdity alone. 10:32 - I quite like the combat shown; has a nice rhythm to it with it's pull-in and pull-out or pull-too. Kind of like fighting with a fishing rod. The southern american folklore particularly fascinates me. Really interesting to explore a folklore that I've rarely seen or heard much of before. 13:42 - My hesitation with becoming interested in South of Midnight though is that I fear it will not end up with a physical release, much like with Avowed (despite having a case). 15:28 - Absolutely love the goofy stuff inclusion. You need some levity to make the darker moments matter, a bit of hope to fight for and grasp. 16:13 - I heard it was a new studio, so it's surprising how much bigger this game looks through this latest trailer. Am concerned about the sheer amount of passives available. More and bigger don't always mean better. 18:38 - Yeah, Paper Mario styled action commands makes this a very exciting game for me. An surprisingly, it appears to be getting a physical release, making it a significantly more likely purchase for me. 20:15 - It's the same generation, so I'd say it's recent. I love the gameplay style of turn based RPGs, but my problem ends up being length. They are often way too long. I believe a lot of the developers of this game worked on Child of Light, which was a turn based RPG with a far more reasonable length (okay, felt one chapter short in the end, but that's due to getting one party member so late into the game). 32:07 - Yeah, nice to see these showcases aren't too far from there releases. An I love the developer insights and hearing their perspective upon creative decisions.
Not Ninja Theory, Team Ninja. 😂 I used to get those two mixed up too.
Channel takeover lol. Craig hope you enjoy your holiday!
Great show this year
You guys can visit the channel any time XD we love visitors.
Im just hoping its like 2 and not 3
Xbox is losing japan