
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://t2m.io/BushidoCypher_Feb24  and get a special starter pack with 500k Silver, Energy and Chicken⚡ Available only via the link and for new players. See you on the battlefield!
Please watch until the end for a twist I think you'll all ENJOY! I put some love into this one and it cost me a lot of sleep so if you enjoyed it, make the thumb button blue for me & subscribe if you haven't. 
We makin' outta Shibuya with this ONE 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥


Your wife is a legend, she's really helping and supporting you on this YouTube grind!

Oh and i'll be best honest, not really into raid shadow legends but i used your QR code and downloaded it and logged in, got to support you somehow as you've done this game twice like a mad man, hope you're sleeping better now lol.


What a banger! Nintendo 64 version thankfully doesn't have a platinum. And gotta say this again Bushido, technically you are the 1st person to get both JJK plats! An absolute legend! :_ChefsKiss:


Yo shoutout to your wife my dude! Learning the game to help you with the grind! Amazing!!


GG for the behemoth of a task that you did and happy to see the RE content coming back in the channel after a long slumber.


“Domain expansion: 3rd achiever” ☠️


Nintendo 64, love the vids man!! I binge watch all your videos and love the humor!! It crack me up!! I hope in the future we can play together.


Amazing video man. Your the only channel who could get me to watch a 40+ minute video on a anime game lol.


Big congratz on the first achiever!!
And i love my old Nintendo 64


Great video Bushido!  What a twist! :_SSPlatinum::_StrawPlat::_Kek:


Wait until bro finds out about the fact that sacrificing yourself to your Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine is actually a pretty easy tactic to get a ton of damage on your enemies because it hits them too, even if it doesn't show it.


NINTENDO 64, has promised that ending was bussin, Congrats on getting First Achiever, Now go and rest goat you need it :_StrawPlat::_StrawPlat::_StrawPlat::_SSPlatinum::_SSPlatinum::_SSPlatinum::_Nakama::_Nakama::_Nakama::_ResZleeper::_ResZleeper::_ResZleeper:


Hey and I watched it again. Glad I did because there was some good stuff I missed entirely in the middle. Definitely think this is your best one yet... But I think I say that often. Still feel that way though. Hope you've caught up on sleep from all that


You've outdone yourself this time Bushido, this one was epic!
You had it all! The route you took to get the platty. The heavily exhausting grind. The soul-shredding moments of both dealing with no internet and cheaters. Showing how much support your wife and members of your channel gave along the way. And of course, epic comedic gold! Hell, I even went and downloaded 'Raid'!
Thanks Shido, can't wait for the next vid!! Oh....btw--Nintendo 64! :_Nakama:


I’m on my 5th rewatch of this video, You make almost an hour go by so fast. Well done mah boy.


This was a massive grind, hats of to your commitment!  Much love for ya ❤


damn bro that was your best video, I had watched some of your lives and I was pretty bummed out that you didn't get first achiever, had no idea you tried the ps4 one and dammmn that was a huge plot twist for me watching this video. Sometimes people question me like "booe why do you play the same game for hoours even after you finished it? like get over this trophy hunting thing" and this ladies and gentlemen, this right here is the answer...POWER THRU MAH BOE CONGRATS ON THAT FIRST ACHIEVER AND BOTH PLATS, YOU'RE A LEGEND


Ayo congrats on the platinum dude!!!


I was in few of you're stream and it was Awesome it's sad that u didn't get first achiever because of internet connection and then application problems but yeah man Big W and Congratulations for this Platinum i dropped this game after the story i really didn't enjoy this game like i wished too


I almost spoiled some shit for the new people watching 😬 

I will say Kudos to you on the Platinum Though, Crazy dedication!💪🏿