A few people have already made the points that I was going to, so Ill just reiterate what they said...Firstly, it's female cats that carry their kittens by the scruff of the neck. There may be exceptions and some males are more nurturing than usual, but the odds that this is what happened that night are slim. Secondly, they don't bite down when they're trying to carry a kitten. The narrator said that Roy's windpipe was crushed. If you google tiger methods for killing you'll find the following : "Tigers clamp down on the throat or muzzle of large prey, causing suffocation. The tiger's canines pierce behind the windpipe, compressing it between the upper and lower jaws.'' Monticore wasn't trying to help Roy, he was trying to kill him.
Wild animals belong in the wild not in chains doing tricks
Insane that these animals were right up against the audience with no barrier. They are lucky it was the owner of the act who suffered this rather than someone else.
I was in Las Vegas when this happened , it was huge news given the fact that there was no barrier between the crowd and the stage, the people down front were very lucky that no one was hurt, I am glad that I went to David Copperfield
As beautiful as these animals are and how much we want to see them up close…. They belong in the wild
What Chris Rock say!!! “ That tiger didn’t go crazy , that tiger went TIGA!!! 😂😂😂😂
This is one good reason to hate circuses, nothing but animal abuse 💔
I know cats like Jackson Galaxy knows cats, and I'll tell you this...their version of the story assumes that we all believe cats are utterly stupid. The very idea that you can work with cats for decades and never have an incident, alone, is ludicrous. But this was no gentle, motherly, cub-carry. Tigers are extremely intelligent animals. They are well-aware of the size-differential, and how hard to bite. Anyone who has a long-time house cat will tell you, they bite and they scratch, no matter how much they love and trust you. But there's a difference between a warning nip, and going for the jugular. They don't want to MAIM you, just teach you a quick lesson. To suggest the cat crushed his windpipe, tore open his jugular AND his face by accident? Is insane. I'd say the cat was annoyed. He got distracted, Roy changed the routine, Manticore got confused and annoyed, and then...acted like a cat. They do not LIKE being tapped on the head with shit. The stroke happened as the result of the neck compression while being dragged offstage. I'm glad though, that they didn't shoot the cat. He's a good boy.
I feel terrible for the ANIMALS. All those type of shows are abuse
Their acts were pure animal abuse, and Roy's incident was bound to happen. You can raise a tiger as a cub, but it will always remain a wild animal. Roy and Siegfried never understood that.
I attended one of their dinner shows one evening and was unaware that I would be served a steak and potato dinner not more than twelve feet from the stage, without benefit of a barricade of any kind. Of course we had finished eating by the time the show began but the plates were still on the table. I was not prepared to have all those wild tigers and lions within feet of me. I couldn’t believe the lack of preparedness that would result if anything untoward occurred. I know that I was mesmerized by the show that the animals performed but mentally I couldn’t help but hold my breath until it ended. I was totally at their mercy and was quite nervous about it. I wasn’t aware that I signed up for that kinda thrill and wouldn’t have done it again. Too risky in my opinion.
My mom told me that the big cat rescue in Scotts Mills, Oregon has a couple of Seigfried and Roy's cats now.
People must understand that animals are not toys no matter the circumstances they were live in! ☝☝
I don't think tiger was trying to save him. He probably got tired performing. Animals are not meant to be treated like this
Animals are not for our use. They live beside us on this earth. It is their world as much as ours.
As soon as Mantacore showed interest in an audience member, and "wanted to say hello to the crowd" (BAWF!!!), he SHOULD have been casually walked off-stage and back to his enclosure, but instead, Roy pushed him on and naturally, he resisted and got pissed off, like even domestic little "kitty-cats" do when pushed away from something they want.
Animals should not have to put on a show to earn their keep. If they are unable to be released to their natural environment, then they need to be looked after in a sanctuary that resembles that environment as closely as possible. They should not be trotted out for the viewing pleasure of humans.
We were supposed to believe that this male tiger was ‘rescuing’ Roy by picking him up by the back of the neck after he fell. Yes, tigers pick up cubs by their scruffs - female ones.
Wild animals being wild. Even playing their strength can be death for humans.