I miss her uploads Hope shes ok! ❤
Ugh hope you’re well Anna! Still come back to your videos!! 🫶🏻
Something just made me think of this woman and I've just noticed she's been inactive for 3 months. Hope she's alright cos she was always like a ray of sunshine in every video
Still hoping you’ll come back someday & start making asmr videos again 🥹 my favourite asmrtist
Dang, I went to check this channel and felt a bit worried when I noticed there hasn’t been an upload in 7 months. I hope you are well Anna and thank you for your work here 💖
Hope you're doing great Anna!
Hope you are doing well. You were the best ASMR content creator out there.
Hiya Anna! I hope this message finds you doing well with life and school. 😃✨ No pressure to return to ASMR, but I did want to tell you I do miss your super bright and heartwarming smile and your relaxing, wholesome content. You've always been one of my favorite channels because the type of positive vibe you produced the entire time you made videos was so uniquely kind and genuine. Just wanted to let you know you made a positive impact with all the time effort you put into your channel. Thank you, sincerely. 🥰 I hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year, and that 2022 will be a positive, productive, and beautifully kind year. Hugs, love and eternal gratitude to you, my beautiful friend. Peace! xo
I was just going through some of my old asmr playlists and I just stumbled across your channel, just wondering where you went and hope everything is ok. I feel like this channel has probably been abandoned but I hope not because I always loved your videos Anna! ❤️
Anna, I hope you are doing alright this new year and remembering to take care of yourself, that’s what’s most important. Sending love :)
Its so unlike you to be away this long. We love and miss you. I pray all is well with you. Sending love and positivity your way!!! ❤️
Where have you been? Hope everything is okay 💓 missing your guided meditation videos!
Been over a year since you last posted :( still waiting for the day a notification pops up saying you’ve uploaded again. We miss you! Hope you’re okay ❤️
really enjoy your content. you've got a great voice for asmr. are you coming back?
We miss you Anna! 🤍
I miss these sooo so much! Every beginning of month is the same, I wish for these to be back 🤍
Does anyone know what happened to her? I used to watch her, but there's no news.
Hey Anna, hope that everything is okay. Not like you not to post for so long😕
Anna i wish youre doing well and that your happy and healthy ❤️i just wanted to tell you that we all love you and miss your content and will always be waiting for you. Regardless i wish you the very best even if you're too busy to come back 🥰💕