Worked like a champ.
You make it look so easy!
Your loops are so satisfying with their seamlessness
Appreciate you bro! This helped me a ton rn at work
Wow i did not know that. I tried it and wow first shot. Thanks John your the best
Cool loop dude
Thank you very much. I've seen my dad do this many many years ago and I couldn't figure out what he did. He's since passed, so I can't ask him. Now that I have a bandsaw and changed the blade, I just hung the old one on the wall out of the way and said I'll figure it out one day. I saw another video and he showed one hand on top and twisting down. I couldn't figure it out. My blades are much shorter. I didn't thumbs him down and I just carried on. He had comments thanking him. I happen to see yours and said, ok that makes sense. I got it on the 2nd time. Taa-daa!😂👏 TFS. Never know who will see this and find it valuable like I did. New sub. Thanks again.
This is how I do it. As a Morgantown man I’m always throwing you a thumbs up. I was sorry I couldn’t make it to woodcraft to see you man. Love the content.
I don’t own a bandsaw blade, in fact I don’t even own a bandsaw!!! Yet I still watched and found it interesting 😂
I’ve been trying to figure that out for ages. Thank you!
Actually learned something there thanks mate
I remember wrangling the blades of the big metal bandsaw (30" max stock diameter) at the gear factory. The method was similar, though it required three or four guys working in tandem and several straps to make sure the blade wouldn't open someone's jugular if it got out of hand :P
If I made a video of 'how to fold a bandsaw blade', it would end with me throwing the blade across the garage.
Standing on it not necessary. Flip your hands over palms up...Stick your arms forward like you're carrying a tray, then raise slightly, while allowing the furthest away portion of the hoop to bounce downward while crossing the hands. Catch the loops. Easy
Cool tip
The fun part is doing that with a full-size sawmill blade.
Basic but so accurate. Hehe
How do you unfold it?
That’s 11 and 1 o’clock