you can change the relic choice te same as the sparks(skill poins) at any moment to change build 1: go to a shrine 2: select self advance 3: reignite the sparks 4: look at top of screen on ps5 its R1 to go to relics 6: on ps5 hold square to reset. hope this helps
For the relics you can respec them at any shrine same as your skills for no cost
I’m still struggling against the big head wight in the beginning 😂 I’ve refused to move on to the main boss until I beat him
Also for the blue glowing enemies spirits, when you capture them they fill up your gourd so make sure to heal up before capturing the spirit Edit: nevermind you said it already
You can change relics whenever you want, just have to be at the shrine and hold square at the chosen option. Each and every thing can be reset, even pills from fox and that's what makes this game even more different than all others
"I just bashed my face against him until he died" Wandering Wight: Hey, that's my tactic!
TOUGH AND SATISFYING best descriptors for this game....Man it's been years since I've shouted out loud when defeating a boss !
This Tiger Ninja guy is a GOD! He’s kicking my ass😂love this game and your content I was able to pickup on ER after 2 years and beat it and DLC thanks Dom
You can change relic just change it same as you change skill points :) its easy to miss though so I understand the comment haha I also could not find it at first but once you go to a shrine - and re-do your skill points - at the top you can see a section for relics to switch to.
This game is a mix of good fun boss fights, and absolutely awful tedious ones.
To change your relic you go to the shrine and it's in the same section as where u go to change your spells and skills
Additional info regarding gourd filling with the green motes, it starts to happen after meeting the old master in the bamboo forest. Before you meet him and he enchants your gourd picking them up just gives you will.
Excellent guide bro, very helpful thanks!😮😊
Brother, I found you when ER blew up (man.... what a time to be a disciple of Young Micheal Zaki), and I've been with you ever since. You're doing a fine job, young man. Somebody needed to say it. Keep up the good work my son
Some glowing green will can refill up to 3 gourd charge,just count the will by looking closely at them and you can tell there are some difference between them
Relic can be reset at shrine. Select self advance-reignite sparks and move to relic tab. It gives option to reset
I am very happy there is no map. It makes exploring way more fun for me. You don’t know the size/layout of the map, and much less shit clutter my screen. I remember riding through the Witcher 3 with my eyes always almost exclusively on the minimap, not enjoying the craftsmanship of the devs’ world. Just take your time. Chill out. Explore. The world is gorgeous. The atmosphere is great. And, the game is pretty linear anyway!
Doms back!
I don't know if anyone else said this. But the glowing green balls of will. Can recharge more than one spot. Depending on how many lil wisps there are. (Green orbs.)