
Billy ur mum says pin this


Billy deserves to earn an award for the world's best actor ever.


Billy deserves a reward for being able to come up with the most random mc content and not ever run dry for content


Billy: custom crafts in UHC!
My brain well playing minecraft normally:


That's an admirable goal, to get a scooter. I mean we all want one.


I love how when Billy got that first bow kill everyone in chat immediately thought it was a bow twist


Idk why but I just enjoy all your vids


person makes random crafting recipe: gets full netherite
the person: WhAOaOOAoAOAOAOAoAoAoOa


"I'm Poor" - ShadowApples  [Multi-Billionare]


I know this is so irrelevant but I just had the most delicious orange lol


Billy:If I can put that if one word I would say it was neat if I could put that in two words I would say it was mildly the interesting

Me: Billy that's 3 words-_-


Billy:Whoo Whoo No One Cares About Dirt

Me:You Can Make Crops With That...


Billy: Crafting Glitches
Literally server plugin


Xbox wolf whispers to billy:
tell me twist or I lick ur toes
Me: Whaaat


imagine if this was in the actual game


Billy deserves to get 1000 subscribers he’s done a lot for us


I’m so mad he tossed out a diamond  sword and made a new one


Let's get ShadowApples to 1 mil


I didn't know Minecraft had those secrets but also you can unlock secret bosses


Billy's acting tho😍