
working at that place must've sucked, cause anytime you wanna go to the bathroom you gotta get four different people all together and spend 50 minutes opening doors that blare alarms across the whole place


Spiff finally stopped throwing and started Plinking.


Colton getting higher mic quality is the glow-up of the century ✨


Shaeffer: "Nooo, they are gonna betray you!"

The bois: "Not if we betray them first"


0:08 Oscar winning acting from Spiff


dinner ready, water cold, raining outside, Spiff playing GTFO. Oh yeah its all coming together.


The little GTFO character chibis are so cute, and it makes me sad that these are the only videos that they're ever gonna appear in :(


Omg the voice they trick the first half of the rundown team with is literally called the hearsay voice dispatch, the rumor/untrustworthy voice dispatch. Thats hilarious I love that detail


I’ll never get tired of imagining spiff in any video game universe and just giggling to himself and talking as if chat was still there


Im the guy from the tweet. THIS IS PEAK CONTENT! Ive never enjoyed a youtube series this much, you can tell from miles away that this is your passion project. I loved this part so I dont mind waiting for part 5.
Y O U  C A N  D O  T H I S


I never expected a green screen to be so stupid and funny, bless you spiff and your amazing content


Spiff: Chat, you know I can say come and mean it to be arrive right?
Also Spiff when C-foam: 😀


Peak acting from spiff in the intro


honestly ending with E2 getting its own video is kinda perfect - this whole series has been mini-cliff hangers - its very fitting
can't wait for part 5! good luck gang


My friend group tried to get into GTFO and never made it far in the rundowns. Watching your videos makes me wish we did them even if it cost our sanity.


God the acting during the schaeffer meets schaeffer scene is so good


The Tanks: mlem
Colton: extreme panic


That double Schaeffer sequence was CRAZY! I live in hope that one day I’ll be able to convince my buddies to play GTFO with me but until then I will watch this series and enjoy it vicariously through spiff and the bois. All of this series has been phenomenal. I will admit, I’m a little happy we’ll get at least one more GTFO video in the future. I’ve very much enjoyed watching the journey the bois have been on.


Can we appreciate just how high quality ALL 4 of these movie length videos have been?


1:37:35 Never thought I'd hear this group so excited about this 😅