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Can we please have a fleet update from all Alex, Rory and Taylor. 
High mileage volvo, fiat and all the other heros from early days. Please 🙏


@14:23...Alex "I'm not butt hurt"

Taylor..."that can be arranged"...

We all love the big lad.


Benji is a legend.


Glad you’re loving the D3 Taylor. I replaced it with a 2001 Leon Cupra to go with my F11 535d.


An update on Mr Rorey McKies XJ would be awesome.


Taylor you have a mad PUG 205 it's rare can't wait to see it


I had PRK laser in my early 30s, after having glasses (near sighted) for 20 years, and regret not having done it earlier. It has been an amazing change not having to worry about glasses or contacts or anything like that. Just being able to see all the time is wild.


You three are the new top gear. I've not stopped laughing since your first pod-cast. BRILLIENT...👍🏿🤣


The Aston Martin Vantage competed with the 911 Carrera so it's a sportscar, a pretty, slow sportscar, comparing it to a 911.


I have no idea why but from question 4 I knew it was going to be a Sunbeam of some kind, possibly an Alpine but Rory went with the Tiger.  Good choice, that was a hard one Rory! 😊


I've found a certain kind of quirky car to be cheap - 50,000 mile hardtop convertibles are almost down to a grand now. Most of them are pretty ugly, but I reckon the original Megane CC would look fantastic if one were to lower it a bit, fair in the rear wheels, put moon discs on and put a phase 2 RS bumper on the front. And it has a glass roof!


We all know Alex slips the clutch because of his riggamorrrtis


Perfect timing, I'll be listening to this while driving.


Taylor, put a surge protected aerial amplifier in the loft to protect your new TVs!


Starting list price for a Dacia Sandero is £13,795


Well last week I got a Mercedes w116 280SE for a bit more than 5k€, which is crazy cheap for a car in mint condition and only 93.000km, so it does seem like either prices are going down or I got a great fkn deal!


I also got an E90 Alpina D3. It's a rare great underrated car.


We had simular to Taylor about 3 years ago came down ours and next doors ariel blew every electrical appliance up so boiler,cctv, TV, literally anything plugged in it even blew the wall mounted ethernet ports apart .... it then dumped to earth through all out appliances which then spiked 3 houses either way killing there  microwaves and landlines 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and yes we do live at number 13....... p.s the cat  hates loud bangs now as she was sat at the bottom of the chimney at the time ... I've never heared such a loud piercing bangwith such a brutal sound ever!!!


TVR’s AKA “Blackpool Rock(ets)” Tut tut on not knowing that one guys 😂 Carol Shelby didn’t “design” the Sunbeam Tiger, just like he didn’t “design” the AC Ace or the Ford Mustang etc etc. The Sunbeam Alpine ( which Shelby put a Ford V8 in to make the Sunbeam Tiger at the Rootes Group’s request) was designed by Kenneth Howes 👍