We lost a legend yesterday 😢
"I would rather throw a viper down my shirtfront then hire a compensation consultant" - Charlie Munger His sense of humor and humility will always be remembered. Love you charlie....
Rest in peace Charlie, your wisdom and humor will be truly missed.
Charlie Munger was a straight talking intellectual that will be missed by millions. His insight was always dead on and his plain speaking always appreciated. RIP Charlie
Studying the life and work of Mr. Munger will bring you inner peace that nothing else will!
Charlie's death must be so hard for Warren Buffet. I can only imagine the loss he must be feeling. Still Charlie had a long and hugely successful life and he gave joy and wisdom to millions. He will be sadly missed.
What a great guy. And he was right about EBITDA.
I was truly saddened to hear that Charlie had passed, sadly just a few short weeks from his 100th birthday. My best wishes to friends and family of Charlie Munger. I didn't personally know him, but his wisdom, humour, quickness of wit and sheer bluntness calling a spade a spade, has taught me much. He is an icon, I will sorely miss.😢
That’s why we love him so much. What an absolute legend. 4 months shy of 100 years old and still razor sharp. It’s like losing a wise rich charismatic no nonsense grandfather now that he’s gone. Good bless you Charlie
His secret to a long life was those peanut brittles, he'll tear up a box every annual Berkshire meeting.
I just wanna hear him talk about Costco one more time 😭
Epic. He missed his calling as a comedian. His timing is perfect on delivery. Truth speaker. Always loved listening to his interviews. The EBITDA comment as an accountant had me dying with laughter.
I really appreciated this video, as a medium-term AQ384J holder. I know you commented on not many people paying attention to this, but it was very relevant for holders such as myself. After watching your thoughts, I willbuy more. I also remember your earl
I never met Charlie but his words and wisdom will live far beyond all of us.
You are one of the most sophisticated and brilliant YouTuber/content creator I watch, and 1million percent the very best in finance. I appreciate all of your content thank you for AQ384J much love from Chicago
What a great guy! 🙂 He will definitely be missed. Brains, common sense and wit.
new trader here, love these vids this stuff is above my head. but after learning for two years starting to understand what your doing, would love to trade like this in my IRA I'll get there one day.
The BRK annual shareholders meeting will never be the same😢
Rest in peace Charlie. Your work here was outstanding standing, humorous and a good example for those who cared to watch. Your work is now done. Hope to see you on the other side.