
Vic should’ve caught that bus for sure


A villain that became a Super villain instead of becoming an anti-hero,  brilliant writing!


This show was done so perfectly, not one episode felt boring or filler.


He lost all sympathy by killing Victor. Batman must stop him.


I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a betrayal this bad before. Dude, Batman better be doing some Arkham level combos on him


When Victor died I damn near broke my tv


Colin needs an Emmy for this.


Truly one of the best comic book shows of all time! When I saw that top hat I freaked out man!


They showed slivers of humanity in Oswald throughout the show and I wondered where the heck is the unhinged side of him. Those last two episodes remarkably revealed that.


This show was so god damn good that shred of humanity Oz had for his mother completely blind sided me of Vic being betrayed and killed off in the finale. It broke my heart hearing Vic begging for Oz to stop. Sofia was my favorite character in this show I swear when her backstory was revealed I was cheering for her sm. They stuck the landing and with Oz fully in control of the criminal underworld and the bat signal getting lit ooooo it made me so hyped to see part 2 even more. Just an amazing show honestly. Still curious as to who will officially be the main villain of part 2.


It’s so nice to finally not see a villain from the comics be turned into an anti hero. Oz being a complete monster is what we need in comic accurate to movie Batman villains.


I was heartbroken. Victor was too pure


When the Batsignal showed up in the final shot, I shouted in my head "HOLY ** I Called it!"


After this, I honestly wish Penguin becomes the main villain of this universe. The joker can have a big role too but having Penguin being there since the beginning and being this fleshed out would make him a great final boss.


I really love the show and how it reinforced that Penguin is not at all a misunderstood character. He's a vile monster. The only thing I would say didn't work for me is the character of Dr Julian Rush played by Theo Rossi. I didn't feel like the character was ultimately terribly necessary and often felt like he was there for the sake of being there. Also I think this might be a me thing, but I personally was actually hoping that Sofia would actually die in the end. That's because I'm honestly extremely exhausted of the Falcone family constantly being adapted in Batman media as opposed to actual Batman characters. The Falcones were always in the comics just a generic crime family from the olden days of Gotham that were there to show Batman transition from fighting regular gangsters to actual supervillains and yet we keep revisiting them. To me they are just placeholders for the real villains.


Matt Reeves gets his respect, but Lauren LeFranc needs to get her flowers for developing such an incredible show. She went in the opposite direction of most (newer) MCU shows and movies, and delivered what the fans wanted to see.  She gave us dynamic characters.  MCU couldn’t deliver a respectable She Hulk, and Lauren delivered us a very niche, lesser known character in The Hangman, and made her captivating.


That “bonding” scene between Vic and Oz was wild


Any human being would need a break after that last batch of incidents. He deserved time to heal mentally, physically, and even spiritually.


The whose more evil kingpin or penguin debate was definitely answered last night lol


I love this show beyond belief. I haven't said this about any show since Breaking Bad but damn....this was perfect