Very good!!!:hand-pink-waving:
I like the addition of music in the background,great content overall.
Super bro 🎉❤
Pizza box for a donut ( saw blade ), the packing gods strike again! Cool build sir, thanks for sharing! 🌷🤘😎
Very useful. I made something similar for upper body exercise after recovering from a broken neck and surgery, a decade ago. You have two lovely daughters, Sergei. You should be very proud.
Very good job 💪
I've been following your channel for awhile now. Great to see a panoramic view of your shop. Kudos for the new equipment; lathe upgrade and new bandsaw. Good stuff, keep the videos coming. Much appreciated and inspiring for my shop too.
Olá Sergey eu vou fazer exercício com você.Parabens!
آفرین bravo❤
Good ideas.......:trophy-yellow-smiling::trophy-yellow-smiling::trophy-yellow-smiling:
Nice 👍 job 😊, just not economical. Can buy for less than $10 at recycle centre.
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