
It's about time I showed up! Don't blink or you'll miss it! ⚡


“Forget your gold rings today you took a Quicksilver” is an excellent way to finish this rap battle


"News Flash! There's new flash! He Zooms past! Leaves you last! Its the blue dash!" This line is absolutely brutal. Sonic is explaining how in the show of the Flash, one of the villains is named Zoom and he leaves a blue dash instead of red. In the show, Zoom almost kills Barry by breaking almost everybone in his body because he was way faster than him. Sonic is comparing himself to Zoom saying he is his new villain. I love that its so subtle but has so much back story to it. Absolutely genius! 👏


I'm absolutely obsessed with that last line. Not only is it a reference to Quicksilver from Marvel, who is pretty widely accepted as slower than the Flash, but it's also a reference to the Olympics, where the silver medal is given to the person in second place


Fun fact: They had to slow this down a few trillion times just so we could see this and hear them


Gotta appreciate the fact that, unlike the other people who got hit with the last diss, Sonic just got back up and kept running instead of staying down, just like how he does in his series.


I was confused why the Mr Beast one isn't the most popular rap on the channel. But now I get it. This is absolute gold.


How is no one talking about:
“News Flash!
There’s a new Flash
He zooms past
Leaving you last
It’s a blue dash.”

That’s such a sweet verse.


“Couldn’t save you family cuz YOU’RE TOO SLOW”
Sonic, this a rap battle, not a death battle.


The fact that the Flash didn't need to go for Sonic 06 to have hard hitting bars is just awesome. Keep up the good work.


Spy vs Robbie Rotten a very slow rap battle to Sonic vs The Flash a very fast paced battle. I like that. Keep up the good work, Freshy.


"I'll dominate DC as if it stood for the dreamcast!"

Sheesh the writing here really does rivals ERB's


The death of Flash’s mother quote was tough, and I wasn’t expecting him to recover.
But then Flash’s first verse came, and I gotta say that was one of the most brutal verses in Freshy Kanal’s channel


Can't we just appreciate how often he uplaods rap battles he's like ERB back then


The Flash did leave Supes in the dust once. I think the scene goes like this: Flash is running somewhere. Supes is trying to stop him. He says that they’ve raced many times and neither won. The Flash says that “those were for charity, Clark” and immediately zooms forward


"You can't top me even if you went Rogue"
For anyone who doesn't  know, in Adventure 2 (or Heroes, I forgot the game), the character Rouge has an alternate skin wearing a dominatrix outfit (don't ask why). Just a possible reference and most likely not the main part of the bar


Best flow = Sonic
Best disses= Flash 
Winner = The whole team involved in the production for bringing us another incredible battle in such a short time


The delivery of "That Flash is my name and not a request" is so damn good.


“Okay Sonic Boomer” Flash, buddy, your first comic was in the 1930s.


Sonic may have had a solid beginning, but all of Flash’s verses were savage AF.