
FINALLY, SOMEONE MENTIONED THIS! Koga literally tried murdering two 10 year olds.


The manga seriously goes so hard. 
And I love what they did with Silver in the manga. He's such a good character, I'm obsessed.


Crazy thing is that the main characters actually grow up


The Deoxys arc and Ruby & Saphire portions go HARD


The gym leaders of Pokémon commuting “Petty Warcrimes” is one of the funniest things I’ve heard all day, this manga is so insane and I love it to death, highly recommend


I like how in th manga Rosa, everyones favorite female player character in this series is a team plasma grunt and N loyalist.


"This are a few plot points in the Pokémon Manga" is CRIMINALLY underselling it. All of that happens just in the FIRST TWO ARCS. And yes, it only gets more unhinged from there with Ruby and Saphire's last battle being one of the darkest I've seen in Manga, PERIOD.


My favourite part is how Lance admitted that some people might have died when he unleashed that hyper beam


I started reading the manga when I was 10 and used to run around the playground screaming THE ELITE FOUR IS EVIL and people would just look at me concerned.


Meanwhile, basically, what the anime is” you’re my friend now we’re having soft tacos later”


The XY arc really was something else. Team Flare was somehow written into the most genuinely menacing and utterly vile villains in the franchise, the main heroine spends most of it wearing a skintight bodysuit that leaves nothing to the imagination, and this official Pokemon story ends with its protagonists questioning whether the world was even worth saving. Definitely deserves a read.


PLEASE MAKE A VIDEO OF THIS! i read the manga as a kid and to this day still lament over the fact that NO ONE knows about this masterpiece


I really liked Blaine's story about how he created Mewtwo from his own DNA. It was told very well in this manga.


Blue also gets a ridiculously good outfit about halfway through, rocking a whole cape. Hope to see a full video about the manga someday!


It's insane to think that Lance hyper beaming a person at point blank for non violently  GUARDING a secret staircase.... Is CHILD'S PLAY to the Eren Yeager Jr. They have in the manga.


You haven't even started to get into the lore without volume 7 - 14


Having Alpharad as a Pokémon Special fan will give us immense power


It gets even wilder later. A running theme of part 3 is child abuse/corporal punishment, and certain major villains die in very violent fashion. Oh and Kyogre drowns an entire city.


"petty warcrimes" is such a good statement my god.


And we haven't even talked about the Jhoto arcs yet. There's now 9 whole generations of Pokemon Manga PEAK that few people are reading