
Merry Christmas!!🎄 Download and play AFK Arena for free ► https://bit.ly/AFKBeasts_Nux
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The duality of Moonie being random and chaotic along with Kwite being deadpan and logical made this uniquely entertaining. Great content to upload on Christmas lol


Poor Kwite being the only serious one here and Mooni is just radiating pure chaos energy. She should never be allowed near caffeine again.


This is supposed to be a day about Jesus and we get a r34 tournament on that day, what a coincidence


Nothing like wholesome rule 34 content on Christmas day


Nux’s editor : I don’t watch porn
Nux : they have to watch the uncensored version of the video
Nux’s editor starts sweating.


Nux and  MeowMoonified  are so chaotic while Kwite just is kinda there, and that makes for such an amazing dynamic.


Merry Christmas to us. 
Damn, truck-chan really wanted the nux merch didn't she?


love how mooni is just a staple of the channel now, she's so funny


No matter who nux says wins, kwite is the victor in my heart


Thank you for uploading this on Christmas, this was a very good present. We all appreciate it Nux, seeing Kwite and Mooni interact with each other was the icing on the cake.
Damn the cursed art on this wow... perfect for Christmas.
23:31 the perfect representation for this video. Nux and Mooni laughing maniacally while Kwite is holding back his urge to murder.


Can we appreciate the editor. Nux editors are just next level.


I love the part where Nux is laughing, but you hear Mooni's laugh. They really are related.


Merry Christmas, Nux, Editor-san, Mooni, and Kwite! Thank you for always being the gift that keeps on giving, Nux!


Moony got shafted on Slenderman, the internet is way more thirsty for him than Pyramid Head


Bro doing this on Christmas Day is dedication at its finest


I love that Nux has a whole cast now. Mooni as a co-host, the bussy boi Kwite, and his Team of editors adding a nice B plot.  🤣


This is gonna get crazy boys let's go


The Metahu1k mom disclaimer had me fucking dead lol


At 30:54, Kwite's statement with the gun cocking sound I almost spat out my drink with how it made me want to laugh.