"The only reason you desire this one-of-a-kind woman of your dreams is because is meant for you, YOU ALREADY ARE HER. Maybe not in this physical reality right now, but she already exists to some capacity inside you or else you wouldn’t be envisioning her." 🔥
How does the girl, i desire to be, act, behave, do, think, feel, perceive, believe etc.? What does she enjoy? Internal shift comes first! You are lucky! Say the affirmations and feel them! Believe them to the core. "everyday i feel the confidence growing more and more". Don't overly focus on your flaws. Stop focusing on the negatives of the stuff you want to get rid of but can't. Show up and stay committed to yourself, that's how your inner child feels safe with you.
One thing I'd personally share is: Do it, but do it from a place of selflove! 6 years ago I was on this exact journey of showing up as the person I wanted to be and putting in all the effort, just as I imagined the "perfect version of myself" would. And yes, I reached all of my goals, but I did it from a place of self-hate towards the current version I was back then. All my imporvements only stuck with me as long as I was still fueling it all through negativity and dissatisfaction with myself. The moment I shifted towards self love, my goald, which were derived by negativity all got lost again. Dont do the same mistake I did! Start out with compassion and self love for yourself so all your goals will be reached by a happy and loving version of you!
I needed to hear "you already are her" because sometimes I forget that she is inside me because I feel like I still have so far to go to become her. Sometimes it feels impossible. But I swear I feel her trying to claw her way out into reality and I can't wait until she's here
Become the woman of your dreams 🌺 : 1. Harness the identity of your dream self 2. Utilise affirmations; feel them 3. Challenge your negative core beliefs 4. Focus on the good things not the problems; what you focus on grows 5. Your body is your temple 6. Discipline; your inner masculine must be in balance with your feminine 7. You already are her Thank you Jillz 💕
Excellent video but I must comment on one point. Chronic illness. There are millions of us women who have debilitating chronic physical and mental illness. I'm not creating my bodys horrific pain disorders. That cannot be ignored. Until you battle severe chronic health issues, you willnever understand how all encompassing it is. That being said, I fight to wear makeup, do my hair, dress nice, exercise, work, and SMILE through the pain. It cannot be ignored but I fight and continue to push through as many of us do. There will be okay moments and bad moments, but we push through.
An another way to think about discipline that is less harsh is Devotion. That sounds feminine. I love this video!
Thank you so much, you have helpth me to come over being anxious of the dream woman I like to be. From now on, am just going to tap into becoming her! Thank's so much!!!
As a dude with big shoulders, muscles, a dad bod and facial hair; I'll follow these advices and become the woman of my dreams!
Strong women aren’t afraid to ask for help. Being strong doesn’t always mean that you do everything by yourself; sometimes, it means having the strength to admit your weaknesses. A truly strong woman recognizes her weaknesses and knows when to ask other people for help. She acknowledges others’ strengths by asking for help, and she also forgives herself for her weaknesses. Asking for help can be an extremely powerful and strong thing to do, so this is not overlooked.
i am the 222 comment and i believe its a sign for me that everything is going my way<3 2023 is my year and i am going to get everything i want
Where your attention goes, energy flow and result shows
12:55 omg I used to do this allways by my self😮😂😂❤
your makeup is gorgeous , can you share your makeup tutorial😊
I was literally thinking about waiting until I felt good in my cycle and then this came up. You are literally changing my life
Hi sis thanks for sharing this great content it's inspiring. I started my path to reinventing myself a year ago, I’m now living healthier, confident, stronger, making 6 figures, having leisure to enjoy family &friends. I feel happier and living my life for myself . This is to encourage someone “you can start anytime to have a reset it’s worth it! I’m striving to continue growing cus it’s a journey 💗
Perfect timing! My best self is really unbothered, calm and self-possessed at work (which has not been the case so far sadly). Tomorrow is my first day back after two weeks off and I'm committed to growing into that new identity 👏 Happy new year to everyone and thanks for the video as always, Jillz :)
I have been on my self love journey since I was 25 and it’s been sort of bumpy. Some days I feel like I deserve love, I am a great person and I am ambitious enough to get what I want but other days I feel like I’m a failure (I don’t have what most women have at my age; their own house, a thriving career, married and maybe a couple of kids), that I’m not worthy of love (I was diagnosed with Autism when I was a kid and certain people didn’t want a relationship with me because of it) and that I repel men (my personality can be threatening to some men and a few guys that I’ve liked told me I was too clingy and I came on too strong).
Dear Jillz, I came across your channel in Sept '22 and fell in love with your content. It is so authentic (so you are, please don't change). I want to thank you for sharing such valuable lessons, book recommendations, and, insights. It all helped me a lot. Wish you a joyful and abundant new year!!❤