Thank you. For a beginner like myself I think it is more important to focus on the value of my content vice the value of my equipment. Thanks for sharing this cost effective setup!
Start a channel they said. It will be fun they said. I have no idea what I'm I literally need it drawn with 🖍️.
I just ordered the ring light and the wireless mic! Thank you! Also, they are on a Black Friday deal so it ended up being $40 for both!
Message for Small Creators: Never Give up guys our time is coming. ❤
These also make great holiday gifts
Would be interesting with a comparison with a premium gear setup and watch the final result.
Guys, could you please recommend the two best video editing programs for a MacBook Air? Preferably free ones, where minimal color correction is possible. Thank you in advance!
Thank you. This is good
Try and review the newmowa/king Ma vlogging screen for iPhones, I love it for recording with my phone.
Nice shirt!
Pls what's the best Samsung phone to be used for podcast? I'm not really a fan 9f IPhone. Thanks
Thank you. Any ideas for those who are light sensitive? I’ve tried a few ring lights, always get a migraine using them😢 so I don’t. I keep searching for answers, no solutions yet.
Man ring lights are more affordable these days. I got mine back on 2018 for $150
TikTok has a monitor for the iPhone so you can use the front camera because front camera is way better .its also wireless
The desk mic needs to be about 8 inches or less from your mouth. It sounded ok once you picked it up, but out of frame it sounded like it was doing noise cancellation processing or something - I'd say "hollow" vs. "gamer" sound signature. Maybe it's because gamers have poor mic placement? The wireless mic sounded decent, not exceptional, but not distracting. The desk one was a little distracting.
Man your tips helped me a bit I got a few views from only 2 videos of cat thank u so much i love your your videos.I started watching your videos a week ago Challenge I'll comment every video you post starting today
I like your videos ❤
The tripod is over £100+ in the UK!