
Kyle Hates Hiking is like my favorite YouTuber. I’ve learned so much about backpacking from him lol. His voice is nice to listen to, his pace is perfect, and he’s great at editing. He is so intelligent but HUMBLE and kind. And he knows stories for days!!!!! He’s cute, too.


The men that cut their climb short to save Lincoln Hall’s life are true heroes. Their names Andrew Brash, Myles Osborne, and Jangbu Sherpa will be known forever. Unlike the ones that walked past them and didn’t help. It’s a greater accomplishment to save someone’s life than to climb Mount Everest.


Hats off to Kyle for inspiring donations to local rescue groups - great way to lead by example and bringing attention to this need! Well done Kyle 🌟


You’re pronouncing the capital of Australia perfectly Kyle. Saving a life in one of the most challenging places on earth is far more impressive than summiting.


Having been a part of a volunteer rescue group for 13 years, I support you giving back to rescue groups who has played  a part of the search and rescue in the stories you’re covering. In Norway there are many volunteer rescue groups, and if someone gets lost in the wild, or don’t come home from hiking or a skiing trip , members from volunteer rescue groups will set out to try to find them. Of course, this is not risk free. And it’s costly, as these rescue groups have to make their own money. I guess it’s the same with most of the volunteer rescue groups around the world. So, again, thank you for donating, it means a lot. ❤


You did a fine job.  One of the most interesting aspects of Lincoln Hall’s experience was that after being told of his death, his wife had a dream.  In the dream, Lincoln was alive and was walking toward her.  She was overjoyed that he was not dead.  Then, she found out that he was not dead at all.


I've done a lot of sailing, trekking, climbing, paddling,  and off-roading. It's always been understood that our "adventure" could become a rescue mission if we encounter anyone in danger or distress. 


Huge respect and shout out to the large majority of Sherpas who go above and beyond to save lives. ❤


A lesson from the Yosemite murders: is someone knocks at your door claiming to be a maintenance man in the hotel, call the front desk to confirm before you let him in.


Hundreds of Everest Climbers that succeed.   BUT ONLY FOUR in the world Saved Lincoln Hall and walked him down to safe ground to his family.  They are the RARE HEROES.


🫡 to the men that made the right choice and helped Lincoln back down the mountain and to his family again.


Equipment- $$8,000
Everest- $20,000
Saving another person’s life- priceless


Personally I think it would be much more of a life experience to help save someone's life rather than summit.


As a wannabe outdoors person (having done years in the British army) I thought I could survive in most outdoor conditions. BUT  hearing your stories alongside David Paulides's (411) research, I feel content in my village home and never want to stay in the outdoors again. Thank you for your stories which only serve to enhance my resolve to never leave my front door again. Many thanks for your stories that I am happy to just read about.🙏❤


I was so happy Lincoln Hall lived.  What an amazing story.  Those men were true heros!  I also believe Hall was his own hero in a way.  There is no earthly way he should have been alive.  It amazed Me.  It's sad he passed away just a few short years later, but he kept his promise to his family and could say goodbye, at least.  It was a really beautiful story of human compassion and strength.


Lincoln Hall R.I.P. I'm not a climber, however his story made a grown man tear up. Big respect for Lincoln Hall. Legendary indeed


Sergei's sacrifice to try and save Fran really is the most heartbreaking love story


A man I work with, Dr.Beck Weathers, was left for dead also. After several hours from being face down in the snow, he woke up and made his way back to camp. He was beyond lucky become a rescue helicopter was able to get to him. His story is incredible to hear. He's an amazing guy.


I think it’s better just listening to these gripping stories from the safety of my couch ❤😂


Dan Mazur and your team: You all are the real heroes, screw a summit, a human life is worth a million times more. Thank you.