
I love your sense of humor, great video!!!! I know it's a lot more extreme, but the haircut situation you mention reminds me of how some m3n say they need therapy to grieve the loss of their wives' breasts when they have had mastectomies due to cancer. Jeesh, these poor women have to go thru all kinds of hell, but somehow the menz are the ones that suffer the loss. So gross.


I cannot believe that hairstylist was being threatened by husbands! Just when I think I've heard it all with men. Like, WTH. 🤦‍♀️


Hair  was one issue that i couldn't for the life of me  understand until I lost most of my hair after ending up in hospital with Covid and nearly died. I ended up not brushing my hair out of fear that I might become completely bold. My hair took two years to grow back but thankfully it did. Honestly it felt like I lost my femininity. A study found that  women who let their hair down ( literally) are more likely to be helped when in distress. Even if it is a bit shorter than shoulder length.  It is also interesting that men see women with long hair as more assertive while shoulder length  hair in general has more sex appeal. ( I was of the belief that men prefer women with long hair)  It has also been reported that it is a  commonality that men experience  emotional distress and  feel powerless when the women in their lives cut their hair especially when it happens without warning. Why,? It's  an unexplained phenomenon.  Maybe something traumatic happened to him recently  that made him feel that he is losing control over his life?  Usually when something like this happens there is something deeper going on. The silent treatment is a way of communicating that you feel detached or Isolated from the person. You want the person to feel how you feel or you are afraid that if you tell them how you feel you will end up feeling even more alienated from the person. Sadly  there is no human 2.0. Unless you believe in reincarnation. We all have flaws and sit with a part or parts that is broken. Relationships are hard.


Hair grows back. Is he married to the hair or the woman?


I think you're assuming a bit.
We withdraw ourselves when we feel depressed, angry, etc. Call his behavior childish, since it's over a haircut, but don't jump to conclude he's acting like women do, just because you know you all use that kind of thing offensively, to hurt each other, and especially to hurt us.